almost Sam
Well my wife had been in the hopsital for the past seven weeks and luckily thing s took a turn fo rteh better and I was able to bring her home yesterday.
While she is still limited in her activity until she gives birth, she is much more comfortable at home.. I realized I had no pictures of her being pregnant so
I pleaded with her to let me try. Well it sure isn't easy but I am not going to give up. These are a coupel from my first try. Comments ,critiques woudl be apreciated..
While she is still limited in her activity until she gives birth, she is much more comfortable at home.. I realized I had no pictures of her being pregnant so
I pleaded with her to let me try. Well it sure isn't easy but I am not going to give up. These are a coupel from my first try. Comments ,critiques woudl be apreciated..
Just my two cents.. to me, although her baby belly is lovely I can't connect it to a woman or a prospective mother. feels like you are hiding something...
good luck.. this is a toughie.. but sooooo worth it for the memories..
Glad to here mum and baby are home again. Good luck with everything I know how nervous you both must be. Just sit back and enjoy the experience, it will soon be rushing by much too quickly.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
I agree that to show her face would be nice.. She is really camera shy but I will work on her..
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I agree on the full body pose though
Michiel de Brieder
p.s. specially him and her dancing together..
Knowing how you feel about BW conversions , I take that as the highest compliment.