JF Plugin stalling (false uploading) on one Lightroom Computer

Anyone else ever have lightroom show, uploading 40 of 150 eta 3.5hrs... but when you visit the gallery the 40 that are already uploaded are not in there? Actually there are NONE in there.
I've written the hero's, but waiting for Jeffrey's reply. It's only problematic to one computer. They are identical in software specs, and connected to the internet on the same line.
I've tried everything to fix it, It happened about 3-4 weeks ago. I shut the plugin off, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, turned the internet off overnight, shut the computer down over night and it fixed it (well something in there did) I repeated the steps last night and nothing is resolving it.
I can only see a difference in processor speed, and file time, Cr2 vs NEF (raws are uploading to jpg)
I've exported the files to HD and they all process fine. I checked my host files to see if anything is blocking it and it is not.
Maybe someones come across this. But i've tried all I can do. The error logs dont show anything either.
I've written the hero's, but waiting for Jeffrey's reply. It's only problematic to one computer. They are identical in software specs, and connected to the internet on the same line.
I've tried everything to fix it, It happened about 3-4 weeks ago. I shut the plugin off, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, turned the internet off overnight, shut the computer down over night and it fixed it (well something in there did) I repeated the steps last night and nothing is resolving it.
I can only see a difference in processor speed, and file time, Cr2 vs NEF (raws are uploading to jpg)
I've exported the files to HD and they all process fine. I checked my host files to see if anything is blocking it and it is not.
Maybe someones come across this. But i've tried all I can do. The error logs dont show anything either.
And I mean this happened within a few moments of having done some image upload testing for another issue I uncovered in a different thread this AM. I have now been chasing SM bugs for a good 4-hours that I had planned and needed to be working. Every freaking time I NEED my SM account to deliver as promised it treats me like a $2-Hooker on quarter-night.
I'm not sure I understand - you can use our uploader but not Friedl's?
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not sure I could have been any more clear. it just stopped working while putting out yet another SM fire.
Happy to assist if you can give us details. Please write us at the help desk http://smugmug.com/help/emailreal - almost anytime this happens it is usually a connection related issue, that we can diagnose for you. And your upload log seems to confirm that to me also https://secure.smugmug.com/homepage/uploadlog.mg
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Cool, let us know if anything like that happens again, we'll be here for you!
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