ISO vs. Price; a.k.a. Choosing a Camera

BigflankBigflank Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
edited February 19, 2011 in Cameras
I've been trying to decide which of two digital cameras to purchase: the Canon EOS 500D (a.k.a. Digital Rebel T1i) or the Nikon D90. I've read a good deal of the in-depth reviews here and here, respectively. I've read up on ISO vs. shutter speed vs. aperture (thanks partly to you wonderful people). I've read other websites and some other reviews of the cameras. But I just can't decide. The reason: price and ISO.

---Background info---
I've always had a photographer's eye and have taken loads of pictures with my old Olympus Mju II Zoom 80 film camera. I've been wanting to move into more advanced photography for a long time, and have dabbled with my father's DSLR, so I'm somewhat familiar with the basic features of a DSLR. But I was always disappointed by the noise in the photos I would take with his camera, even after adjusting the settings. (I don't recall what the camera model was, though. Sorry.) This turned me off to digital photography for a long time.

But after reading an article in Popular Science a year ago, I fell in love with HDR photography. I know a perfect spot from which I could make a stunning HDR photo of downtown Minneapolis at night. I plan on having said photo printed and framed for my apartment (probably somewhere in the realm of 24" x 36"). I would use the camera for all sorts of shots, though (day, night, macro, landscape, etc. Taking a shot of the moon at night is also very high on my list).
---End of Background info---

The two in-depth reviews I linked to at the top give comparable reviews for the two cameras. The only two major differences that I'm concerned with are the prices of the cameras and the noise at different ISO values. From the reviews, it looks like the EOS 500D has significant noise at ISO values greater than 400, relative to the D90. Should I be concerned about this?

I've read conflicting information about ISO in low-light situations. Some sources say to stick with auto ISO. Others say to use low ISO values. Still others say to use high ISO values. Considering my desired applications, what should I believe? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


  • dantambokdantambok Registered Users Posts: 152 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2011
    If you can afford it, I think the d90 would be a better camera overall. Better ISO performance, better auto-focus system, top lcd and others..
    Canon 7D, 450D, 50mm 1.8, 50mm 1.2, Mp-e 65mm, 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, Canon 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM, 580exII, some sigma lenses:D
  • OverfocusedOverfocused Registered Users Posts: 1,068 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2011
    If you're making an HDR that large, you'll be using a tripod anyway. At 24x36, noise will show. ISO should be set firmly, always, unless you can tell the camera no to go above a certain ISO. I'd never want a shot to randomly be taken at max ISO.

    I'm a Canon guy, but I'd pick the D90 over the 500. You'll find yourself in situations where you'll kick yourself for not having less noise later :cry

    And besides, more noise means bigger file size too. That's annoying. Lol.
  • dantambokdantambok Registered Users Posts: 152 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2011
    If you're making an HDR that large, you'll be using a tripod anyway. At 24x36, noise will show. ISO should be set firmly, always, unless you can tell the camera no to go above a certain ISO. I'd never want a shot to randomly be taken at max ISO.

    I'm a Canon guy, but I'd pick the D90 over the 500. You'll find yourself in situations where you'll kick yourself for not having ISO 3200-6400 later on when you "coulda had a camera that coulda snapped it!"

    I agree, I think $150 more would be worth it.
    Canon 7D, 450D, 50mm 1.8, 50mm 1.2, Mp-e 65mm, 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, Canon 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM, 580exII, some sigma lenses:D
  • rainbowrainbow Registered Users Posts: 2,765 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2011
    I am not sure that you are asking the correct question as you really are not purchasing just for this one shot but for multiple uses (as you allude to). That means you are purchasing a system of lenses -- not just this vs that body -- to meet these needs as well and should take a longer term view of what to buy. Especially since much of the body improvements give better high ISO/noise performance and you may become very dissatisfied with these middle of the road bodies quickly.
  • BigflankBigflank Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited February 13, 2011
    Thanks for the quick responses!

    Overfocused: That recommendation means a lot, considering you're a Canon guy. Thanks for the input! That noise comment perplexes me, though. Do all of the noise-free shots I've seen on the internet over the years come from ultra-top-notch cameras or something?

    dantambok: The D90 is $300 more than the 500D, from what I've found. Do you know of another store I should be looking at?

    rainbow: You're making me nervous! I really don't want to spend more than $1,200 on a camera, since this is just a hobby; and one that I won't be engaging in, say, every weekend or anything. But there have been plenty of times--probably 3 to 6 per year--where I really would like a top-notch photo of something. For every other time, a point-and-shoot would probably do it.

    You're definitely right about the lenses: I haven't looked into those at all. But that's only because I don't plan on purchasing additional lenses any time soon. I'm sure the stock one will fill most of my everyday needs. The only two lenses I think I would ever be interested in purchasing (and that would probably be some time down the line) would be one for macro shots, and one for astro-photography (along with a tracking mount for long exposures).

    Again, thanks for the help, you guys. If anyone has anything else to add, please chime in! Else, I'll be buying myself a Nikon D90.
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2011
    1) I'm in the Twin City area, where are you looking to buy this camera?
    I hate to say this, but don't buy it locally. The prices around here are to high.

    2) What lens are you looking to get with it?
    Are you buying it with a kit lens, or going with a body only purchase and buying the lens you want?

    3) If the price of $1200 for the camera is for 'just' the camera, I'm guessing you went to NCE.
    Check prices at B&H or Adorama on the web. I think you'll do better on the price at one of those.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • dantambokdantambok Registered Users Posts: 152 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2011
    Bigflank wrote: »
    Thanks for the quick responses!

    dantambok: The D90 is $300 more than the 500D, from what I've found. Do you know of another store I should be looking at?

    sorry, my bad. These were what I looked at.
    Canon 7D, 450D, 50mm 1.8, 50mm 1.2, Mp-e 65mm, 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, Canon 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM, 580exII, some sigma lenses:D
  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2011
    Bigflank wrote: »
    But after reading an article in Popular Science a year ago, I fell in love with HDR photography. I know a perfect spot from which I could make a stunning HDR photo of downtown Minneapolis at night. I plan on having said photo printed and framed for my apartment (probably somewhere in the realm of 24" x 36"). I would use the camera for all sorts of shots, though (day, night, macro, landscape, etc. Taking a shot of the moon at night is also very high on my list).
    With the exception of "night" photography, for all situations/scenes you've listed I would be using a tripod. Given that, my ISO selection would always be less then 400 .... which leads to the conclusion that you're good to go with either camera body.

    But, you do need to keep a view to the future and think a bit about how your photography may/will evolve over time, say the next year or three. And that leads to the question of, "Do one buy what one will need and pay the premium now, betting that one will eventually need "Feature X" but not have to buy a different camera body at sometime in the near future or buy what is needed now only sell it when one has out-grown the body and be "forced" to buy something else in six or 16 months?" I guess that's going to be driven by your current budget. mwink.gif:D
    Bigflank wrote: »
    Overfocused: That recommendation means a lot, considering you're a Canon guy. Thanks for the input! That noise comment perplexes me, though. Do all of the noise-free shots I've seen on the internet over the years come from ultra-top-notch cameras or something?

    Not necessarily. But it is almost a certainty that these images to which you are referring were properly exposed at time of capture. There are two primary causes of noise in an image (1) High ISO and (2) an improperly/under-exposed image that has been pushed in post processing. And, as strange as it may seem at first blush, using high ISO does not automatically equate to a high noise image.

    My suggestion would be, as has already been alluded to above, make your purchasing decision with a view to buying into a system. It is very expensive to go with one manufacturer only to decide later that this was a mistake and you need/want to sell it all and go with another. Look at the lenes available - I fear you will find the "stock" lens offered to be sorely lacking (but, YMMV). What about other equipment in each system? Have you considered the way flash photography is implemented? Pick up and play with a representive body from each manufacturer - which one feels better in your hands? For which one does the functioning seem more intuitive? There are some people who have a very hard time understanding/using a camera from one manufacturer but feel right at home with a camera from another.
  • Daddy0Daddy0 Registered Users Posts: 121 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2011
    I purchased a D90 as my first DSLR. I got it to have a camera that was a little quicker to catch my 2 girls in the picture. I have had it over a year and love it.clap.gifthumbclap.gif I purchased a Sigma 70-200 2.8 and a couple of other lenses. I have used it to take pictures of my local high school's football games and also to photograph college baseball(University of South Carolina and Coastal Carolina). It is not the best sports camera, nor is it the best by far in low light situations. However, once you learn the camera you can minimize the areas it is lacking in and still get some great photos. It makes for an excellent walk around camera as it is not too heavy. I am a sports fanatic and I love to use natural light in my photography, so I will be upgrading as soon as the budget(and wife) allow. IMO you can't go wrong with a D90, but definitely use the advice of other more knowledgable photographers: do your research and buy into a system, even if you have to wait till the budget will allow it.wings.gif
    Jimmie D.

    What you see depends on what you're looking for.
  • jheftijhefti Registered Users Posts: 734 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2011
    I find that high ISO capability is only really relevant in sports and other situations where you need a fast shutter speed. IF you are taking low light shots and can slow down the shutter speed (with tripod or otherwise solid placement) there is almost never a reason to push the ISO. I do night shots fairly often, and I almost always set the ISO below 400. I also use a Canon 5DII, which does have great high ISO qualities, so indoor sports or night soccer games are within the realm.

    Personal preferences as to the feel of the body, and of course lens selection, are probably the best guide guides to what you should purchase; that, and what type of photography you'll be doing.
  • OverfocusedOverfocused Registered Users Posts: 1,068 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2011
    Bigflank wrote: »
    Overfocused: That recommendation means a lot, considering you're a Canon guy. Thanks for the input! That noise comment perplexes me, though. Do all of the noise-free shots I've seen on the internet over the years come from ultra-top-notch cameras or something?

    The images you see on the internet are only previews of the full size image and nowhere near the actual size and amount of pixels needed to print a photo at a huge resolution needed for a 24"x36" photo.

    Here's what I mean:

    Most previews are from 400-1000 pixels in the long dimension and they're from images originally MUCH larger. Most images you see online are just big enough for seeing on a screen. I have a 10MP Pentax K10D that takes a photo at 2,592x3,872 pixels. Thats 10,059,456 pixels of image data per image taken. It's noise performance @ high ISO pretty much sucks. So, if I take a noisy image with 10 million pixels in it, and chop it down to lets say 1000x667 (a decent size for internet viewing) now you have an image that is only 667,000 pixels total. You've shrunk the noise so small and cut out %93 of the original image data, so that noise is not going to be seen in such a small picture preview.

    A 24"x36" image printed @ photo resolution (300DPI or dots per inch) would require an image that is 7,200x10,800 pixels (77,600,000 pixels total) which is effectively blowing up the noise of a 10MP such as the one taken with my camera by %776! You're having to digitally enlarge the noise which will make it much easier to see in a giant print like that. It will look good from across the room but close up it may turn into a bit of a mess.

    Overall it literally doesn't matter what camera you get if you use a tripod and keep the ISO to 100 or 200 at night time. Sunny days and overcast aren't a problem for either camera , but if you like shooting hand held in low available light and twilight, then you'd want the D90. From the sounds of it, a reasonably cheap DSLR with a big enough resolution, a sharp as nails prime lens, and a nice tripod would do you a lot more good. In your case of wanting to make occasional huge posters, more megapixels @ ISO 100 or 200 will make a huge difference since noise is virtually non existent in any camera at ISO 100 with proper exposure.
  • Tas67Tas67 Registered Users Posts: 49 Big grins
    edited February 14, 2011
    I would definitely go with a better ISO. I currently use a D200 and over ISO 800 it gets pretty noisy. With black and whites, it looks nice but color images are less desirable. Get the better ISO so you don't have to worry about it! thumb.gif
  • BigflankBigflank Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited February 19, 2011
    Thanks, everybody. You gotta love the internet: If you're interested in a something, there's always a forum you can go to for advice! :D

    davev: I was originally looking to buy it at Best Buy, but I decided to look online and found MUCH better deals (how Best Buy is not constantly being sued for false advertising--their name--is beyond me). As I said in my original post, right now I'm only looking to go with the kit lens. In the future, I may purchase lenses for macro photography and astrophotography. But that's all I'm really interested in. As for B&H and Adorama, I actually just heard about those sites yesterday! I'll definitely check them out.

    Overfocused: Thanks for the clarification. I will definitely be purchasing a tripod, but I can also see myself often caught without it while in a low-light situation--suddenly seeing a stunning sunset, for example, and quickly grabbing my camera to take a shot before the sunset disappears.

    Tas67, you pretty much summed up my feelings after reading up on both cameras: Just get the better ISO and you won't have to worry about it!

    Thanks again, everyone!!
  • OverfocusedOverfocused Registered Users Posts: 1,068 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2011
    Bigflank wrote: »
    Thanks, everybody. You gotta love the internet: If you're interested in a something, there's always a forum you can go to for advice! :D

    davev: I was originally looking to buy it at Best Buy, but I decided to look online and found MUCH better deals (how Best Buy is not constantly being sued for false advertising--their name--is beyond me). As I said in my original post, right now I'm only looking to go with the kit lens. In the future, I may purchase lenses for macro photography and astrophotography. But that's all I'm really interested in. As for B&H and Adorama, I actually just heard about those sites yesterday! I'll definitely check them out.

    Overfocused: Thanks for the clarification. I will definitely be purchasing a tripod, but I can also see myself often caught without it while in a low-light situation--suddenly seeing a stunning sunset, for example, and quickly grabbing my camera to take a shot before the sunset disappears.

    Tas67, you pretty much summed up my feelings after reading up on both cameras: Just get the better ISO and you won't have to worry about it!

    Thanks again, everyone!!

    Technically sunsets are pretty bright...


    No, I know what you mean. You could grab a 50mm F1.4 or 1.8 prime for that, or a wide angle lens ~F/2 fairly cheaply. If budget is a concern, old MF lenses with superior build and excellent optical quality go for just $50-100.

    This website makes things very easy. I should bookmark this place. In reality you're only getting half a stop less noise, so to me that is sort of a moot point. The extra build quality and performance however... that's where you'll really benefit more. Basically the 90D is all around better, not a ton better, but for the price increase it's definitely many small improvements in
    many areas.
  • SeefutlungSeefutlung Registered Users Posts: 2,781 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2011
    You really are comparing apples to oranges or in his case a $900 camera to a $530 camera. The principal difference between today's camera lineup between Canon and Nikon are twofold:

    1) Nikon's pro lineup has about half a stop to a full stop over Canon's pro lineup in regards to noise at elevated ISOs (so if Canon and Nikon were both set at ISO 1600, Canon's noise level would look like 1600 while Nikon's noise level would look like ISO 800-1200; and
    2) Canon equipment is less expensive than Nikon.

    If you google around you will find a number of sites which have compared Canon model(s) and Nikon model(s) noise levels at various ISO. The Canon is a newer design and in many areas has better specs, 15mp vs 12mp, 1080p video vs 720p, 6400/128000 ISO range vs 3200 ISO range. The Nikon is a better built machine, has 4.5 FPS vs 3.4 FPS, 11 point autofocus vs. 9 point autofocus. For $100 more you can get the Canon 60D, a much better camera overall than either T1i or the D90.

    In the $500 to $900 dollar range I doubt, (I could be wrong), if there will be significant differences in Image Quality (IQ) at any ISO between any Canon/Nikon dSLR. In fact, up to an 8x10 and at ISO 400 or less, you won't see any significant differences between The top-of-the-line cameras and entry level camera. (I haven't any experience with video and the above does not address video capability.)


    PS- This has probably been said before, but if your looking to do a lot of HDR, then you should/will/probably be using a tripod, in which case noise, will be a mute issue, as with a tripod you can set your ISO as low or high as desired without any ill side-effects from handshake.
    My snaps can be found here:
    Unsharp at any Speed
  • OverfocusedOverfocused Registered Users Posts: 1,068 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2011
    You can get a used D90 for $550... and you're right the noise is only a .6 stop difference between the two
  • formform Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited February 19, 2011
    If you compare the Rebel T2i to the Nikon D90 you will find both resolution and noise control advantages go to the Rebel T2i. I know someone who uses a Nikon D90 and personally the images are very unimpressive as per detail retention.

    Yes MOST canon equipment is less expensive than nikon. Current top of the line bodies between canon and nikon = Nikon D3s has about 1-2 stops better noise control than the best Canon camera. Resolution = Nikon D3x is the best between Canon and Nikon. AF system = debatable, but D300 has more selectable points than, say, 7D.

    Now, compare Nikon D300s to Canon 7D and the 7D has better noise control, better resolution, and better video function. The same three advantages are available on the Rebel T2i, which has the same basic sensor. The rebel T2i is roughly the equivalent of the Nikon D90 in most other respects and limitations. The Rebel T2i is about the same price used as a D90.
    Las Vegas wedding photographer:
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