WTH: In need of a quality Photoshop artist/company for image touchup
I'm looking for some basic touch ups on 12 images of family of five photo shoot. flyaway hairs, tone control, shadows, ect.. What are some fine companies that seem that they cannot fail at what they do. WOOT WOOT!
What they're looking for:
-erase hair in mothers eyes, lower light in fathers face
-erase daughters brunette flyaway hair
-erase mothers flyaways
-even light on girls faces
-erase boys out of tree, would like to use this one of the girls and I in combo with the grease shots of the guys alone in tree
-improve anything?
-can add some color to father, he doesn't like the washed out look from the white shirt
-can I make the bench extend on each end to cover mother's bottom, anything else? likes this one
-anything to improve?
-same as above
-Fix stray hair/shadws
What they're looking for:
-erase hair in mothers eyes, lower light in fathers face
-erase daughters brunette flyaway hair
-erase mothers flyaways
-even light on girls faces
-erase boys out of tree, would like to use this one of the girls and I in combo with the grease shots of the guys alone in tree
-improve anything?
-can add some color to father, he doesn't like the washed out look from the white shirt
-can I make the bench extend on each end to cover mother's bottom, anything else? likes this one
-anything to improve?
-same as above
-Fix stray hair/shadws
Just as a courtesy in the comment section of the form tell them that Art Scott from Wichita ks recommended them to you, along with any questions you may have.
Joi Cohen-Haroun
Website :: Facebook :: Twitter
I'm a professional photographer/retoucher highly experienced and constantly aiming to perfection.
My goal in fashion/beauty/child retouching is: "to make it look naturaly perfect!"
I specialize in portrait photo retouching.
Portfolio: http://kleoshot.com
The price depends on ammont of retouching: skin, makeup, suntan, body shape correction, colouring, lighting, adding/removing elements, background swapping, FX, artistic colorisation etc.
Examples of retouching (before/after) with prices you can view in gallery: http://kleoshot.com/retouch.thm
Contact information & base pricing can be found on my web site: http://kleoshot.com