DSS #70 It's a toss up, help me decide and c&c welcome

Two of my favorite things on earth, my hubby and chocolate. Only, both are missing from this pic :wink

This one represents my love for God. This little town I live in takes pride in this white steeple church.

I love flowers! Here are a couple shots from Sunday afternoon.

This one represents my love for God. This little town I live in takes pride in this white steeple church.

I love flowers! Here are a couple shots from Sunday afternoon.

When you get the choice to sit it out or dance...I hope you dance. All4Him, Reenie
First shot - I like that it's lacking color the same way it's lacking the things you love, but without your explanation, it's hard to see the story - and I couldn't tell that there aren't any chocolates in the box.
Second shot - Like the lighting, but not thrilled with the tail light going through the shot - and it is leaning to the right a little. I like the idea & think it would look nice if the church were more prominent, and maybe from the vantage point to the right of the cars and closer so the pole & overhead wires aren't in the middle of the shot. A reshoot maybe?
First flower shot - I like the moodiness of this shot & the composition, but for some reason it just doesn't grab me.
Second flower shot - This is my favorite of this set. I like the colors, the dof & the shape of the stamens. It seems to me that it might be more pleasing if it were turned on its side or maybe even upside down, or maybe a different crop.
Hope this helps. I really do like the church idea - especially with the star, very appropriate imo.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain