Very cute Eric. Glad your boys enjoyed the company.
And I knew it wasn;t the baby yet--since the baby won't be a "visitor". It will be here to stay.
aint that a fact
p.s. have you talked to your doggies about the "new baby" yet 4labs?? Did you lay down the rules... no slobbering, tail whacking, loud sniffing, sleeping in same cot as, you know ..... the usual..?
And I knew it wasn;t the baby yet--since the baby won't be a "visitor". It will be here to stay.
p.s. have you talked to your doggies about the "new baby" yet 4labs?? Did you lay down the rules... no slobbering, tail whacking, loud sniffing, sleeping in same cot as, you know ..... the usual..?
but love the 3rd shot
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