Smugmug issues - 2/17
Is there an issue at Smugmug now?
I'm finding multiple minute response times and errors trying to make changes in my control panel.
The latest attempt to save some changes in the control panel gave me this:
Internal Server Error - Write
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Reference #4.c7e8dfad.1297970347.7c22a
On the 2nd attempt, I got this response:
An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #95.c7e8dfad.1297970549.7fd46
I suspect it might have something to do with SSL because I only seem to have issues on pages that need SSL (control panel, login, etc...) whereas other site viewing seems to be OK.
Right now, I can't even get a login page to come up.
Since I got no response here in 10 minutes, I send a note to helpdesk too. Have no idea if Smugmug knows whether there are issues or not.
Seeing some occasional packet loss within akamai's network when it do tracert to (which is where both control panel and login go).
Now 41 mins later, no response here or from helpdesk email. Parts of site still down. I give up - time to go do something else and stop wasting my time on Smugmug. Can't get this gallery out today if I can't login or use control panel.
I'm finding multiple minute response times and errors trying to make changes in my control panel.
The latest attempt to save some changes in the control panel gave me this:
Internal Server Error - Write
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Reference #4.c7e8dfad.1297970347.7c22a
On the 2nd attempt, I got this response:
An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #95.c7e8dfad.1297970549.7fd46
I suspect it might have something to do with SSL because I only seem to have issues on pages that need SSL (control panel, login, etc...) whereas other site viewing seems to be OK.
Right now, I can't even get a login page to come up.
Since I got no response here in 10 minutes, I send a note to helpdesk too. Have no idea if Smugmug knows whether there are issues or not.
Seeing some occasional packet loss within akamai's network when it do tracert to (which is where both control panel and login go).
Now 41 mins later, no response here or from helpdesk email. Parts of site still down. I give up - time to go do something else and stop wasting my time on Smugmug. Can't get this gallery out today if I can't login or use control panel.
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Hi John,
We've been digging on this, and we're not seeing any outages, slowdowns, errors, and have no other reports of this right now. We've had heroes check around the world with no trouble accessing or saving secured sections, and no other trouble reported from other customers at this point. I would expect packet loss severe enough to cause this kind of behavior to affect other things and other folks if it were on SmugMug or Akamai's end.
Can you try releasing your IP and/or powering down your modem in an attempt to possibly get new routing and avoid a trouble spot on the path? An overbooked local server, bad switch, etc., could cause it, but it seems unlikely to only affect Have you run traces to as well?
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Tracert reported issues between some of the hops at Akamai. I believe Akamai had issues on some of their routes that only affected some people and, apparently, only for some operations.
What bugs me is that it was 1-1/2 hours before anyone responded that they even heard my request for help. Even if you just responded: "got your request, don't know of any issues right now, but will check with ops and let you know", I wouldn't have been so frustrated. I would have know that someone was looking into it and gone and done something more productive. I only reported the issue two places when nobody responded in a timely manner to the first report.
It appears to be working now.
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