D90 with Tamron 28-75 2.8
I am hoping someone can help me figure out this puzzle. I cannot get a decent edge to edge focused shot with this lens and my D90. The center focus is ok but it is really, really soft at the edges. Group shoots of more than 5 people, not good
When I use my D50 with this lens, it works a bit better at the edges and center focus :dunno
I have an anniversary party tomorrow, bringing my Nikon 85mm 1.8 and this lens.. I am nervous about Tamron
Can someone offer any tips?
Unfortunately for me, I can't share the shots I am referring to since all three galleries are pwd protected by customer's request.
Thank you so much for any input on this..
I am hoping someone can help me figure out this puzzle. I cannot get a decent edge to edge focused shot with this lens and my D90. The center focus is ok but it is really, really soft at the edges. Group shoots of more than 5 people, not good

I have an anniversary party tomorrow, bringing my Nikon 85mm 1.8 and this lens.. I am nervous about Tamron

Can someone offer any tips?
Unfortunately for me, I can't share the shots I am referring to since all three galleries are pwd protected by customer's request.
Thank you so much for any input on this..
Look at the EXIf and give the settings you used. If you happen to be shooting wide open: f/2.8 that is prob where your issue lies. You do need to be stopped down to f/5.6 or so.
Hi angevin1
Thanks for your input.. yes, it is 5.6 and 8. It is so weird that I can get better coverage edge to edge with this lens on my D50. I am going to have this lens on my d50 and the 85 on my D90 for tonight's event.. I really want to figure this out though..
My experiences?
-It was a huge improvement over the kit lens.
-It wasnt a 100% reliable focuser (yes there are some 100%ers out there) as it now and then front or rear focused. This was often when shooting subjects that were middle to long distances from the camera....and low contrast scenes really threw it off.
-After careful research I found that it would probably perform better if I had it calibrated for my camera body. I made use of Tamrons industry leading 5 year warranty and sent it in for adjustments. It came back much better....and more predictable.
Still though it never did perform half as good as my Canon 17-55 F2.8IS.....which cost over twice as much.
The lesson...really is...
Send it off to be adjusted. Give them instruction as to EXACTLY which camera body it will be used on.....but.....remember that even after this....it will still not perform as well or better than a modern lens designed explicitly for your chosen camera.
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Thank you! that is a good idea, I will do that with the hop that it helps a bit. I am saving to buy the Nikon 17-55 2.8 or nikkor 24-70 2.8. but that will take me until the fall, which means I will be losing some biz this summer
Thanks Jeff!
please visit: www.babyelephants.net
hmm. I am going to check that one out.. I didn't even think of that one. Thanks jpc!
Based on ( the above) and What Jeffreaux2 said, I'd guess it is that focusing issue he mentioned. I'd send it off or get the lens he mentioned. There are several other Tamaron and Sigma's in that range that perform as well or better. I have the 28-105 Nikkor and it is not a good lens. It has range to offer, and that is about all which is why it is so cheap. Hopefully Jeffereaux2's comments helped you this evening to be watchful of that focus.
Thank you guys!
I used my D50 for the group shots since I know with faithful D50, i get better range with this lens. I was pretty close to the group, (taking into consideration what Jeffreaux2 mentioned about focus with this lens from mid to long distance from camera). I also had them turn on all the fluorescent lights on the side of the room we were shooting.
I had to get on the table to be able to get the whole group.. but hey.. I got the shot and although not perfect in my eyes, it is a decent shot; everyone is focus from edge to edge.. not perfect focus.. but way better that i expected.
I was nervous though, I want a reliable lens. Just thinking about it makes my shoulders tense! I am going to check ebay see what i can find on 17-55 2.8 or nikkor 24-70 2.8..
Thank you for all your input guys.
I don't have any landscapes as of yet, with this lens, but here's a group shot taken at f6.3, 28mm, again with the D700.
And another from New Year's Eve. f8, 46mm, D700.
There's not a lot here for you to evaluate edge sharpness with, but keep in mind that the D700 is using more of the lens than your D90 will.
The 28-105 also doubles as a macro lens, making it an even more amazing value. Buy one, and if Tom is right and it is "not a good lens", just sell it and get back what you paid for it.
please visit: www.babyelephants.net
I think I am going to rent all three before I make my decision.. I am going to take 3 more events in March and rent a different lens each time and see which one works best with my D90, then I will know how much money to save or maybe I already have the $ to buy it