whats the name of that canadian mayonaise ?

Its in a glass jar with a plainish blue & white label. Sells under 2 diff names & i will go into a fit if i dont get some of it soon. Its got a simple one word name about 6 or 7 odd letters.
Google wont give it up.
Hey andy...its that good :eat
Google wont give it up.
Hey andy...its that good :eat
Hellman's? If that's it, it sells here on the west coast as Best Foods
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"Bring out the Hellman's and bring out the best"
Imagine my surprise when I moved west and discovered it was:
"Bring out the Best Foods and bring out the best"
I still like the name Hellman's better. More character. Best Foods is so corporate sounding.
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It goes under 2 names here...'Best' & more commonly another which i cant find out. Thats enough info to find it though.
I had some about 3 weeks ago & have been looking for it ever since.
Very hard to find here.
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Thats enough info though. So is it yank or canadian ?
Don't know about Canadian, but it's sold all over the US.
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Best Foods may be Canadian. Kraft is (or was). Kraft's mayo is called Miracle Whip. It also comes with a simple blue and white label. Check out kraftcanada.com
When I googled, one article I read indicated that Hellman's was invented turn of the last century in NY at a deli named Hellman's.
And, for more trivia, my aunt in Seattle used to call mayo 'tang' (which in Canada was a type of drink crystal).
The things you learn!
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miracle whip :puke
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Miracle Whip is NOT mayonnaise.
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Im still telling people here about sitting at the table with Greaper & Steve at our main dinner in Yosemite & everyone eating corn bread with their ribs.
Greaper : (mid west accent) "Hey Gus...wheres your corn bread ?"
Gus : (superb english) " I didnt see any bread over there"
Steve : (through 2 rib bones) " Sure Gus...its over there"
Gus goes & looks again...
Gus : "..no bread over there"
Greaper : " I'll get it for you"
Greaper returns with a cupcake & puts it in front of Gus.
Gus remains silent & looks to see if anyone is having a lend of him & laughing behind their plate of ribs.
Gus : " Guys...this is a cake"
Steve : " Thats corn bread Gus...get into it"
Gus : " When in rome..." takes a bite of ribs & quickly follows with a bite
of the sweet cupcake.