60D (7D, T2i) ISO Noise in Video Mode - Test
I have seen this "ISO Video Mode Test" on a few websites before, but I wanted to go ahead and do it myself - with my own Canon 60D. So yes, I can confirm what many of you most likely already know.
When using the 60D (or 7D or even the 5DMII) in video mode, there are surprising ISO "sweet spots" with very little noise and others that are shockingly noisy. And it's not the ISO settings you'd naturally pick.
ISO 160, 320 and 640 are by far the cleanest!
ISO 1250 might be acceptable as well when you absolutely need it, but any other settings I will stay away from, especially in low light situations with lots of dark areas in an image.
Here's the test. I shot 1080p footage with a 50mm at 1.4, 1/50 with the lens cap on at all ISO settings. Then I converted the footage into Apple ProRes 422 - 1080p. In Final Cut Pro I dramatically boosted the mids almost all the way up to make the noise visible.
When using the 60D (or 7D or even the 5DMII) in video mode, there are surprising ISO "sweet spots" with very little noise and others that are shockingly noisy. And it's not the ISO settings you'd naturally pick.
ISO 160, 320 and 640 are by far the cleanest!
ISO 1250 might be acceptable as well when you absolutely need it, but any other settings I will stay away from, especially in low light situations with lots of dark areas in an image.
Here's the test. I shot 1080p footage with a 50mm at 1.4, 1/50 with the lens cap on at all ISO settings. Then I converted the footage into Apple ProRes 422 - 1080p. In Final Cut Pro I dramatically boosted the mids almost all the way up to make the noise visible.

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