#70 Changing Seasons or Looking for Beauty

Have two general ideas for this challenge - the changing seasons (and spring being "around the corner") and finding beauty in the world around me. After going out three times in as many days, I have one image for each idea. Would welcome your input on whether you think one of these would work for this challenge and C & C as to how I might improve them. Thank you!
1. Anticipating Spring [this first photo isn't showing up even though the link is the same as before...]

2. Looking for Beauty in the World Around Me

Other possible titles for #2:
Beauty, Wherever It May Be Found
Looking to the Light or Following the Light - which expresses what I love on several different levels.
1. Anticipating Spring [this first photo isn't showing up even though the link is the same as before...]

2. Looking for Beauty in the World Around Me

Other possible titles for #2:
Beauty, Wherever It May Be Found
Looking to the Light or Following the Light - which expresses what I love on several different levels.
Another shot from yesterdays' windy shoot.
3. Light Painting the Sky
Not 100% happy with any of these and would appreciate any input you may have. Thanks! I am also contented to sit this one out and enjoy what others contribute.
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Here is a different shot of the light seen through the archway. The colors are a bit richer and more intense. Is this better than #2 in your opinion?
#4 The Beauty of Light
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I went out on three different occasions this week and got almost nothing on Friday when it was 68F but the sunset and other conditions were prime the next day when there were high winds and temps had dipped back down into the 20s. It was a challenge to capture it digitally when my fingers were almost numb!
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