No Climbing? More Sheep.
I took another day in the sun to get out and about and took my girlfriend Shasta with me. Last time we went out to take pictures of Dall sheep she never really got a chance to take any and shes just getting into photography so I get excited when she is excited about it! I had hurt my knee a few days before and decided to rest it so as much as I had hoped to post about climbing this weekend I am back to the sheep! Shasta and I drove down along the highway and found that the new snow had moved the sheep around quite a lot and so we couldn't find many. Until we found them about 20ft off the road in their usual hangout spot. We parked down the way and hiked in a large circle above them so that we would have a good vantage point.
Here is a picture of Shasta, I figured it was necessary because all this post about sheep and I am going to start looking a little weird!

We got above them and I told Shasta where to hike down so I could move around them and hopefully sway them to munch on the grass toward her. They noticed me and started walking right in her direction.

It worked perfectly and they walked about 15 ft right below and in front of her! I saw her start clicking away and then suddenly right when they were in the perfect position....she stopped! Her camera battery had died. Ouch. Thankfully this lass hung out for a second and she was able to change her battery and get a few photos of her.

She was so bummed about her camera dying so I figured we would give it one more shot. We hiked high above them once again and found they had stopped just on the other side of the cliff band.

We did it the opposite this time and she hiked underneath them so that I could get in a good position above. They started to walk toward me.

This one really didn't mind me. Well it is sticking its tongue out at me but didn't mind!

Every now and then I would get a little glance but not much more as the sheep came closer then I have ever been to one. I sat not moving but clicking loudly with my camera.

Did I mention I got close? As evidenced by the fact you can see a shadow of me in his left eye! Just the shot I wanted.

A little artistic license.

Sometimes they blended in with the trees.

He circled me slowly while eating. Not really seeming to care.

Mmmmm delicious.

They finished there circle around me and then stayed within 20ft and just kept eating. We decided it was time to let them be, it was really nice to think they didn't mind me and I didn't want to ruin that feeling.

So hopefully next week I'll have some more climbing to post! As for now, its still the sheep.
Here is a picture of Shasta, I figured it was necessary because all this post about sheep and I am going to start looking a little weird!

We got above them and I told Shasta where to hike down so I could move around them and hopefully sway them to munch on the grass toward her. They noticed me and started walking right in her direction.

It worked perfectly and they walked about 15 ft right below and in front of her! I saw her start clicking away and then suddenly right when they were in the perfect position....she stopped! Her camera battery had died. Ouch. Thankfully this lass hung out for a second and she was able to change her battery and get a few photos of her.

She was so bummed about her camera dying so I figured we would give it one more shot. We hiked high above them once again and found they had stopped just on the other side of the cliff band.

We did it the opposite this time and she hiked underneath them so that I could get in a good position above. They started to walk toward me.

This one really didn't mind me. Well it is sticking its tongue out at me but didn't mind!

Every now and then I would get a little glance but not much more as the sheep came closer then I have ever been to one. I sat not moving but clicking loudly with my camera.

Did I mention I got close? As evidenced by the fact you can see a shadow of me in his left eye! Just the shot I wanted.

A little artistic license.

Sometimes they blended in with the trees.

He circled me slowly while eating. Not really seeming to care.

Mmmmm delicious.

They finished there circle around me and then stayed within 20ft and just kept eating. We decided it was time to let them be, it was really nice to think they didn't mind me and I didn't want to ruin that feeling.

So hopefully next week I'll have some more climbing to post! As for now, its still the sheep.
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Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
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