I went for a walk in the rain...

...and this was the first shot I have processed:

Robin Worsborough by Bend The Light, on Flickr
...and another, singing. got very close to this one...

Robin Worsborough 2 by Bend The Light, on Flickr
...be yourself, no matter how different you are...

Odd Man Out by Bend The Light, on Flickr

Robin Worsborough by Bend The Light, on Flickr
...and another, singing. got very close to this one...

Robin Worsborough 2 by Bend The Light, on Flickr
...be yourself, no matter how different you are...

Odd Man Out by Bend The Light, on Flickr
The last photo is wonderful.
Yes, It was nice. First time in a long time I've been able to go out without the rest of the family and just take photographs.
crop real real nice. PP appealing clean if you did any... can't tell really as your
camera might just deliver really sweet color the way its set.
All with the standard Canon 75-30mm zoom. The lens is ok, but is not the best in low light, or at 300mm which these are. I had somechromatic aberration in the duck one.
DaddyO - I didn't do much for the robin shots...I just adjust curves using white and black points using threshold to find them. A bit of sharpening, that's it.
The ducks have obviously had PP done...