Everyday I eat lunch in my company's lunch area. I sit right next to a large picture window overlooking the landscaping outside our office building. On Tuesday I saw this spider perched on his or her web right outside the window. I thought, what a great photo op, too bad I don't have my camera. The next day, the spider was still there, but I didn't bring my camera to work. Then yesterday, to my amazement, the spider was still there, practically begging me to take his picture, but I forgot to bring my camera. This morning I grabbed my camera as I left for work and sure enough, he was still there. After eating my lunch for four days in a row while looking at this guy (or gal), I finally got to take his picture. I wonder if he ever got to eat his lunch.
Anyway, I screwed up on the ISO. It was set to 800 and I forgot to drop it down for the first group of shots. Then I dropped it down to 100 and they came out over-exposed. The first four are ISO 800. The last one is the only ISO 100 that wasn't washed-out from overexposure. Don't know how to fix over-exposure in PS yet. What would have been the best ISO to use (I was in Aperture Priority mode set to f/5.6)?
Also, I tried to shoot and/or crop these using the rule of thirds. Trying to get away from centering my subjects.
Please, comments welcome! Thanks

Anyway, I screwed up on the ISO. It was set to 800 and I forgot to drop it down for the first group of shots. Then I dropped it down to 100 and they came out over-exposed. The first four are ISO 800. The last one is the only ISO 100 that wasn't washed-out from overexposure. Don't know how to fix over-exposure in PS yet. What would have been the best ISO to use (I was in Aperture Priority mode set to f/5.6)?
Also, I tried to shoot and/or crop these using the rule of thirds. Trying to get away from centering my subjects.
Please, comments welcome! Thanks

I read that she'll soon mate and leave behind a brood of hundreds of spiderlettes. Keep that camera at the ready and let's share baby photos.