Couple of bird shots

Couple O' birding shots.
I walked outside Sunday and heard two hawks calling each other. I spotted one on the neighbor's roof. The other was directly above me on my roof. I wasn't quite fast enough with the camera, but I still like this departing shot.
5DM2 with 70-200 F/2.8 IS L.

I'm not sure what this bird is, but I was down feeding the horses one morning and I had my little Canon P&S with me, so I took the shot.

I've been keeping yellow finch around by filling a seed sock with nyjer seed.

I took a few shots of them this afternoon.

Canon 5DM2, 40mm F/5.6. on the last two.
I walked outside Sunday and heard two hawks calling each other. I spotted one on the neighbor's roof. The other was directly above me on my roof. I wasn't quite fast enough with the camera, but I still like this departing shot.
5DM2 with 70-200 F/2.8 IS L.

I'm not sure what this bird is, but I was down feeding the horses one morning and I had my little Canon P&S with me, so I took the shot.

I've been keeping yellow finch around by filling a seed sock with nyjer seed.

I took a few shots of them this afternoon.

Canon 5DM2, 40mm F/5.6. on the last two.