Why are babies always hanging around in baskets?
Here is a shot I did for a friend of their new baby girl. She has grown a lot in 2 weeks. It is amazing. They wanted the baby in the basket shot. We used a black velvety sheet thing as the backdrop. I though it would be easy to deal with. It was not as easy as I would have liked. In the end I might just leave it in there. What do you think? C&C Please
Do you guys see any artifacts of gray pixels around the handles of the basket? I can't see them in LR or PS but when I up load to smugmug I am seeing them on my laptop. But, not on my desktop monitor?? It is bugging the hell out of me. Not sure if I want to go for a print of this one and suck my black ink to find that I have gray artifacts in there!
Do you guys see any artifacts of gray pixels around the handles of the basket? I can't see them in LR or PS but when I up load to smugmug I am seeing them on my laptop. But, not on my desktop monitor?? It is bugging the hell out of me. Not sure if I want to go for a print of this one and suck my black ink to find that I have gray artifacts in there!
i blew it up to the X3 size (by modifying the URL) and still couldn't see anything on my Dell Ultrasharp U2711 calibrated monitor. not sure if that helps.
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The Dad loved that shot. So I figured I would tweak it first. He said she looks like she is thinking. I sort of like it. But on the other hand I see what you are talking about too. I will post up some more when I get them edited.
What do you guys think of this one? Probably not the most relaxed she could have been here. This is about 1 second before she peed everywhere. Babies are totally unpredictable. That is why they scare me!!
On this one do you see any artifacts in the background? Again. I see nothing in LR or PS on the laptop. But, I see it on my SM?
Without the red blotch. And a little tune up on the eye area too.
FWIW, I doubt I'd use this exact crop, but I'd do something b/c the edge of the basket is so close on the original.
I like the square crop on the one you tried. I might mess around with some different crops on these too. Just depends on what they want to print. I am not sure on the B&W ones of the baby. I tried some in the hospital and I just keep coming back to color for her. I think I will try a few to see what the parents think. What is funny is I like all of the B&W prego mama shots I did and I don't really like the color ones.....
Here is another. She liked being in this towel. She seemed so happy and I liked the texture and the blue. So I had Dad put her back under the light to try a few. What do you think of this one? I am feeling better about keeping some of the background and texture in the shot. Doesn't feel so much like floating in space to me.
Shots like this drive me wild. I just can't stand seeing babies this young, seemingly suspended in mid-air, vulnerable, and unprotected. It just looks wrong to me.
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Again with the up-the-nose! It'll drive me wild every time.
I like the blue.
Hackbone, I have a few with Dad's hands in there. They are pretty cool