YABTAT (Yet another beta testing argument thread)

it's a shame that no such incentive was offered for beta testing the API 
Not that I am alluding to monetary incentives, i'm sure a life-time pro membership would have got things moving.

Not that I am alluding to monetary incentives, i'm sure a life-time pro membership would have got things moving.
SmugMug API Developer
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I still don't.. :-)
I mean - I don't test it. Not anymore. No feedback. Immediate or postponed. I had it the same with Borland - reporting the gargantuan, 100% reproduceable bugs, confirmed by numerous people on the newsgroups - only to hear that "they" can't duplicate it.. Eventually I lost the interest and stopped reporting. Or even, if I could, stopped using the buggy parts or worked around them..
I still have a number of outstanding API issues since March. confirmed by the others. None of them were resolved, new came out (like no previous stats URLs recently).:cry
So I'm using whatever part of the API works - and praying that Luke will get more luck that I had feedback-wise..
Sorry to break the mood..
Just trying to keep on topic is all :uhoh
A mouse can't fight an elephant. It can only hope to be able to follow:-)
We haven't publicized it, but smugmug's been slipping cash to worthy projects all along.
We actually have a list of things we'd like to see from the API, so if the Themes Bounty works well, I think we'll have an Application Bounty too.
I hate to rehash this subject yet again, but here we go: I have limited resources and limited time.
Getting anyone to methodically test the API or even to test specific functionality when I'd ask for it point blank was a huge pain. It actually felt like people weren't interested in the API progressing at all, at one point.
Luke's approach is looking like it'll be perfect, and I think you'll see a lot of movement on both fixes and enhancements to the API as a result. He's being methodical, detailed, and precise. Just what we need in an effective tester.
The API is a work of love, and I haven't felt much love from our community on it for many moons. As a result, my time has been spent elsewhere - why work on something that isn't appreciated when I can do other things, like smugMaps, that are?
I'm so stoked that Luke is in the game and helping us out, now. I really love the API and want it to succeed. I was fairly upset and depressed about the turn it had taken and the apparent apathy from our community.
Now, since I've said all of this before, can we maybe stop whining and arguing about it and get back to fixing the problem?
And I heard you:-). You don't have much time for this. It's totally understandable. Not many people do. I have spent whatever time cap I had testing and reporting. And just as you had switched to obviously more pressing issues with SM, I had to switch to a more pressing issues with S*E, using what is available and working around what's not. Especially since none of us 3d party guys could actually *fix* any of the server-side problems.
Now I guess we are all lucky that Luke's carrying the torch. And I feel even more lucky that he's getting the proper attention now.
It's all for the greater good! And as you have just said, we all want the API to succeed.
So let's *fix* the problems, shall we?