Pictures of my Z, and pictures of a picture of my Z

Yeah. I work graveyard so when I have a night off its filled with boredome. So this is what happend.
1. Took off the hood on mye Z. Then started to detail as much as I could. Then continued on with a 3 stage wax and took some pictures. Pr-detail on the engine, and post car wax pictures:

So on continued the night. So I grabbed my deck of Z cards and laid them out. And took some pictures. That King of Spades sure looks nice.
I might take my card out and put it in a tree and take a picture. Or somthing like that...

What a night. Now I'm going to go bug my neighbor with the Ferrari to let me get some pictures with his car up in the mountains.
1. Took off the hood on mye Z. Then started to detail as much as I could. Then continued on with a 3 stage wax and took some pictures. Pr-detail on the engine, and post car wax pictures:

So on continued the night. So I grabbed my deck of Z cards and laid them out. And took some pictures. That King of Spades sure looks nice.

What a night. Now I'm going to go bug my neighbor with the Ferrari to let me get some pictures with his car up in the mountains.
What is a '3 stage wax'? I think i did it once when i was very drunk.
Its 3 diffrent types of wax. One that removes ocidation, scrathes and swirls. One that shines. And the last that protects. Takes alot of time. So a few 12 packs would be needed. And would actualy help. haha.
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
Your engine is lookin mighty fine
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
But for fun, we checked to see how much it would be if it where on my name. $190 a month. More then my car payment.
\Ma*lef"ic\, a. Doing mischief; causing harm or evil; hurtful
Nice wheels!!
I used to be well know for Car Pics......
Check out my albums for some interesting shots.
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW