Good observation, Jay. They are both rather colorful, aren't they? One shot is from the Playa Del Carmen area and the lilac-breasted roller was seen in Masai Mara. I'm hoping that the folks who go on the "African Adventure" trip in October bring back some good photos of those beautiful birds in flight! They are easy to spot as they perch looking for insects, lizards, and other tasty morsels but I haven't managed to get a good shot of one in flight yet.
A lot of great images everyone! I'm going to go ahead and call this challenge closed. I will try to post winners early tomorrow. Thanks for playing along on this one. I really enjoyed seeing the different takes on the theme.
~ Kevin
2. Lost in Thought
3. Contemplation
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
My SmugMug
I will look for more, but I have this for now.
I see it
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Thanks Linda--I did change a couple of things and fixed it, I hope.
Karin--thank you!
I present Nanstein Castle, aka "The Lone Sentinel", still standing proud as time has past around it.
Here you go...
#1 Guarding the hens
#3 Vigilant
Love it!
2. The Lone Sentinel - Ready to Roll (Lilac-breaster Roller)
3. The Lone Sentinel - "I Still Think One of Us Should Be on the Look Out for Intruders"
My SmugMug Galleries
2. All-Knowing Shasta
3. All is Quiet (Lassen Peak in Lassen Volcanic National Park)
PPG • Flickr • Wikimedia Commons
Good observation, Jay. They are both rather colorful, aren't they? One shot is from the Playa Del Carmen area and the lilac-breasted roller was seen in Masai Mara. I'm hoping that the folks who go on the "African Adventure" trip in October bring back some good photos of those beautiful birds in flight! They are easy to spot as they perch looking for insects, lizards, and other tasty morsels but I haven't managed to get a good shot of one in flight yet.
My SmugMug Galleries
Had to scan this from a print, but one of my favorite snapshots out on the street...
Lean on Me.
Wonderful photo, Christian ...... Facebook
Looking Out
Certain Of Victory
Statue at RIT called "The Sentinel"
A fellow hiker taking in the view
Gray Jay on the lookout
"If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?" - Anonymous
~ Kevin
My Site, My Book
2. Sandstone Sentinel
3. Startled Sentinel
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
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