Sorry, that Gallery doesn't seem to exist!
After uploading photos to a new gallery I created today, I went into Tools > Arrange > Arrange photos and moved them around a bit.
When I hit the Save Changes button, I received this error message page:
Sorry, that gallery doesn't seem to exist!
I have to navigate out to my home page, and drill down to the gallery again to see if the photos have moved - they haven't.
(this has actually happened to me now every time I use this method of arranging photos - but this is the first I've reported it)
However, if I use the Drag to arrange option, the photos are in the correct order and I have no problems.
When I hit the Save Changes button, I received this error message page:
Sorry, that gallery doesn't seem to exist!
I have to navigate out to my home page, and drill down to the gallery again to see if the photos have moved - they haven't.
(this has actually happened to me now every time I use this method of arranging photos - but this is the first I've reported it)
However, if I use the Drag to arrange option, the photos are in the correct order and I have no problems.
It's a know issue and our engineers are working to resolve it as soon as they can.
This is a big hassle for your users. How about undoing the changes that broke this until you figure it out?
Working on it - in the meantime you can use any of the other arrange tools, sorry!
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