Pricing is something that will vary greatly from photographer to photographer. Some photographers sell prints at just above cost, and others set pricing with 1000% markup or more. It can depend on your target market, your geographic area, etc. A great place to ask questions like this is in the "Mind your own Business" section of DGrin:
This is a part of our forum for photographers with questions about all aspects of running a photography business.
You might also just try a search from the SmugMug homepage to find public galleries (maybe try a generic search for "wedding"), and you will run across a variety of pro photographers with different pricing.
Pricing is something that will vary greatly from photographer to photographer. Some photographers sell prints at just above cost, and others set pricing with 1000% markup or more. It can depend on your target market, your geographic area, etc. A great place to ask questions like this is in the "Mind your own Business" section of DGrin:
This is a part of our forum for photographers with questions about all aspects of running a photography business.
You might also just try a search from the SmugMug homepage to find public galleries (maybe try a generic search for "wedding"), and you will run across a variety of pro photographers with different pricing.
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