Uploading Video
OK, let me preface this by saying that I know nothing about video.......I was given a video slideshow to upload so other members of my family can view it. I cannot get it to upload, and do not know what the issue is. When I drag it into the uploader, nothing happens. Here is a screenshot of the files I have to choose from. Are any of these uploadable?? Do I need to upload the whole folder that thse are in?? See, I am really clueless here. Thanks.......John

It looks like you are trying to upload files directly from a dvd. Those files will need to be converted before you can upload them to us. There are many different programs you can use to convert the dvd files to something we can use like an mp4 or avi format. A google search will give you lots of programs that can to it, many of them free. I hope this helps.
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Cool, a Googlin' I go then. Thanks for the speedy reply!