Headshots: Andi (C&C)
This shoot was scheduled back in December but got pushed down until this week. It wasn't ideal for me since I'm deep in production for a show right now as well, but I'm not on the road so agreed we'd squeeze it in. We had a BLAST - didn't have as much time as I'd like (she had to leave after 2hrs, unfortunately), but we still got some decent shots I think. Here are the first few which jumped out at me.........
C&C always welcome!
7d+50mm or 85mm; natural light+reflector; 430ex+softliter 45" + refleector + 420ex bounced into vestibule as fill/hairlight.
1. I wanted to give her a variety of different looks, so we started with some natural light using my big windows plus reflector. She's a classical singer rather than actor so these likely will be too casual but they were fun to shoot and gave us a chance to "warm up".
(no retouching yet)

2. I have no idea how this shot comes across to others as far as expression - I personally love the 'tude (and think the pose is very flattering), but that may be because I know her. She has a super-expressive and active face and is actually always laughing or making silly expressions - this was her putting on a "supermodeldivab***h" look just for fun and I really like it! Am I way off base?
(no retouching)

3. The series we did in this black velvet dress are among my favorites from the shoot - she has (IMO) many to choose from in this sequence. I liked this one for the softer expression as something a little different (some retouching already done - in fact, may have gone a little too far on these - we'll see what she says when she comes to choose and we talk about how much she wants me to do to them, although she did already mention she's very self-conscious about her forehead lines, so I minimized those).
I will say that although she looks good - and has really beautiful skin - boy am I starting to want to find a MUA to work with me. It would save me HOURS in post. In this case, I think she under-did her eyes, but she doesn't use liner IRL and, frankly, although I assist/advise/give feedback to my clients on their makeup, I find myself uncomfortable actually doing it *for* them when I'm trying to concentrate on shooting. So, I worked with what I have, and I think I'm going to start sniffing around for somebody who might be willing to come along to sessions in the future...... It's not a huge big deal and most of the singers I know do their own mu really quite well, but it would definitely be one less thing for me to have to think about. Delegate! :rofl

4. This is my favorite of the session so far - we'll see what she thinks when she sees the proofs. I just think it strikes a nice balance of "diva glamourous" with a very engaging expression that's strong but still approachable (well, that's what I see - tell me if it comes over otherwise!). It also crops into a decent tight landscape shot. We'll see what she says!
There is something else notable about this one, but since I want to see just how noticeable it is to other photographers, I'm not going to say what it is just yet - by all means throw out your observations at me!
(some retouching)
C&C always welcome!
7d+50mm or 85mm; natural light+reflector; 430ex+softliter 45" + refleector + 420ex bounced into vestibule as fill/hairlight.
1. I wanted to give her a variety of different looks, so we started with some natural light using my big windows plus reflector. She's a classical singer rather than actor so these likely will be too casual but they were fun to shoot and gave us a chance to "warm up".
(no retouching yet)

2. I have no idea how this shot comes across to others as far as expression - I personally love the 'tude (and think the pose is very flattering), but that may be because I know her. She has a super-expressive and active face and is actually always laughing or making silly expressions - this was her putting on a "supermodeldivab***h" look just for fun and I really like it! Am I way off base?
(no retouching)

3. The series we did in this black velvet dress are among my favorites from the shoot - she has (IMO) many to choose from in this sequence. I liked this one for the softer expression as something a little different (some retouching already done - in fact, may have gone a little too far on these - we'll see what she says when she comes to choose and we talk about how much she wants me to do to them, although she did already mention she's very self-conscious about her forehead lines, so I minimized those).
I will say that although she looks good - and has really beautiful skin - boy am I starting to want to find a MUA to work with me. It would save me HOURS in post. In this case, I think she under-did her eyes, but she doesn't use liner IRL and, frankly, although I assist/advise/give feedback to my clients on their makeup, I find myself uncomfortable actually doing it *for* them when I'm trying to concentrate on shooting. So, I worked with what I have, and I think I'm going to start sniffing around for somebody who might be willing to come along to sessions in the future...... It's not a huge big deal and most of the singers I know do their own mu really quite well, but it would definitely be one less thing for me to have to think about. Delegate! :rofl

4. This is my favorite of the session so far - we'll see what she thinks when she sees the proofs. I just think it strikes a nice balance of "diva glamourous" with a very engaging expression that's strong but still approachable (well, that's what I see - tell me if it comes over otherwise!). It also crops into a decent tight landscape shot. We'll see what she says!
There is something else notable about this one, but since I want to see just how noticeable it is to other photographers, I'm not going to say what it is just yet - by all means throw out your observations at me!

(some retouching)

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My take on 2... I love the angle, parted lips, lighting, comp... but, her teeth being parted makes it look like she was in the middle of talking, which makes it feel snapshotty or incomplete. Soooo clooose. I hate it when I get an "almost" photo like this one. So pretty otherwise.
I think this is one of my very favorite subjects you have worked with. She sure looks like a beautifully mature, classy lady... and you have captured her well.
Favorites are 1, 3 & 4. Ok, so that is all of them except for 2, which I love... but you know what I am thinking about that one.
I also think your retouching is very tastefully done. You nailed it! I couldn't see it without really looking, so it is perfect!
I second Heather's point about #2. #3 and #4 are really gorgeous. The only thing that gets me about #3 is the strap on the shoulder closest to the camera. The shots are both really lovely and the pp looks perfect! I haven't been able to identify the 'notable' thing about #4...
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
And you haven't spotted my handiwork in #4 - EXCELLENT! There are some bits around the hair I that I thought were a bit kludge-y, but if you guys haven't seen it without my drawing your attention to it, I'm probably ok with it. It won't work on all in this series, but I decided I'd give it a try and see how people responded. For your answer, here's the SOOC shot
She had a green shawl with her, but it was too casual with the velvet dress - I had this red one in my drawer so we gave it a try. I don't actually mind the colour with her hair, but with the differently-toned lip-colour it was just too many reds for me (I can adjust the lip colour, but thought I'd try changing the scarf first). I think I like it! It looks good in a sapphire blue, too....
(And you are silly about my comments.. I am just me... and.... I think there is a good chance you are getting better than me in the studio setting. You get way more practice for one thing.)
And, actually the strap on #3 also bothered me, but I bet a different crop would fix it. And since you are the master at finding *the* perfect crop, it should be no problemo.
Aren't you the sneaky lady with your color swap. I see what you are talking about now, but I sure didn't notice before!
Still feel horribly limited by space though - I really need more room than I have :cry I think subjects would feel freer to move around and I'd get more dynamic shots, too. Not quite sure what to do about it at this point, so for the time being I just make it work but it would be SO much easier with more room!
ETA: She does look a bit like Melanie Griffith, doesn't she? Hadn't even clocked that but you're right!
I like what you did with these. Looks like you ladies were having a lot of fun.
I like 4 also, maybe clone out that slice of arm by the scarf.
If I were to react to the technicalities, I would say that I think your main is too close-hot. You know, my mantra is if you react to a shot with the first thought "LIGHTING!" the lighting is wrong (I'm talking about this kind of shot here). The face might then act mainly as a reflecting object for the light, rather than for the light to allow the face to be revealed.
A second thing I would say is that, for this sample at least, the posing of the head and eyes is almost unvarying.
The most appealing to me is #4 in the first post, mainly the colour scheme. Some hair light would have been nice.
Your posts are always interesting and helpful to me.
Neil, I'm trying to decide if that was a left-handed compliment or a correction
I meant it to mean very interesting progress on your part! I think you and I are the sort that can't sleep when we know there are technical nits, a bit like the Princess and the Pea. Prince and the Pea?
#2 sooo close but caught somewhere in between. (definitely Kathleen Turner circa Body Heat)
#3 another winner
#4 my favorite! Nice work with the color change. I much prefer the green shawl.
Concerning your "studio" you remind me of a director with a shoe string budget up againnst the big boys who somehow manages to pull a rabbit out of a hat!
It is about how that thing looks photographed." Garry Winogrand
Avatar credit: photograph by Duane Michals- picture of me, 'Smash Palace' album
You know I'm also partial to #1 because of the light and the composition. The crop across her pendant bothers me and leaves my wanting more.
She's a beauty and you're quite the headshot photographer!
@Mitchell, slicing the pendant bothers me too, but I liked the diagonal of the doorframe in the background when I rotated, and that's how it winds up. Btw, the bg there is the same vestibule in which I have the flash in that quasi-pullback - long live shallow depth of field! I couldn't move back any further (I was already sitting on the back of the sofa and right up against the wall) and I didn't want to use a wider lens lest it lead to distortion (did I mention just how much I need more space??!?! Right, yes, I think I did. :giggle). There are others in that series with no necklace, I just liked this expression the best. Maybe I'll clone it out entirely......
"perfection is the enemy of excellence"
Oh! So true...Love this quote of yours!
Ah! But is excellence the enemy of perfection?
lieN (excellence)
Neil (perfection)
Nice looking shots. I like that they are not the standard headshots that are stiff. I do have a couple of little comments. Her right arm on the velvet dress (red and green) shots while seems accidentally placed. While I understand the pose the arm just peeking out seems like it is not quite purposeful. I also think that her forehead is a little too hot.
I can't wait to see them after processing based on how good the sources looked.
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May I ask how are you doing the test prints? Place a bunch on one sheet? Single orders of smaller sizes? I am still working on my printing work flow to get more consistent results and am looking for experiences & ideas. Sorry for the detour.
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I don't deliver prints for clients, only digital files - they get their own mass repro prints themselves. That said, I like to prep them so they are as close to print-ready as I can get them - and I do recommend they order 1 SM copy as a "master print" for themselves. Even if they do use another lab, hopefully it will still be in the ballpark, and that other lab can tweak according to their own practices.
ETA: In case I misunderstood your question, I put up low-rez proofs (with a watermark) on my SM site for the client to choose from; if they ask, I could do thumbnails on paper, but most have been happy to use the digital files to choose from. They pick however many are included in the pkg and/or any extras they want, and I edit those into a final "ready-to-print" file. I recommend they print a master copy from SM, but get their mass repro done from one of the specialist repro companies for large quantities (most performers want 100-500 so they have plenty for their agent to have on hand as well as their own supply).
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