
Gallery Comparison - Then vs. Now

northcoastnorthcoast Registered Users Posts: 66 Big grins
edited March 3, 2011 in Sports
I would usually post a few pics for reference, CC, examples, etc... However, the given topic is a gallery comparison. I wouldn't subject anyone to a family vacation slide show without prior warning, and, I expect that some may not be interested in this topic. I decided to take better images of the kids sporting event this year. This is a comparison two youth hockey galleries: one from the start of the season and one that I posted today of a more recent game.

I have recieved a lot of good, free advice. I have read many kind words of encouragement along the way. The CC was very helpful and I am still learning as I go.

This is a gallery from last fall:


This is a gallery I edited today from a game in January:


For those that would like just to see a few pics:







I think you can tell which galleries I pulled them from...

I would like to say THANK YOU to those that have helped me along the way!

(A.K.A. NorthCoast)
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