Project Pricing Help!?
Hello all... very happy to find this forum as I search for some info and develop my pricing for photo work I do.
Please let me know what you'd charge for this work, as hired by a creative agency - for use in online campaign by a major shoe company.
4 hour studio shoot with a very well known musicican (rapper)
4 hour shoe launch event
4 hours of product shots/art documentation
4 hours processing
6 images used in online video campaign
Please let me know what you'd charge for this work, as hired by a creative agency - for use in online campaign by a major shoe company.
4 hour studio shoot with a very well known musicican (rapper)
4 hour shoe launch event
4 hours of product shots/art documentation
4 hours processing
6 images used in online video campaign
I watched the video but not sure what stills you're referring to and it's too long to sit through again. Feel free to give us time stamps.
If you can stomach doing work for a company that employs child labor at $3 per day overseas to produce footwear then sold for $300 - $800 per pair I say go for it and get every penny you can.
As a beginner you should be ok with getting the standard day rate of $1000 - $1500. As for licensing, that can be all over the boards. Have a poke about in this forum, using our search feature, to find similar posts with lots of suggestions on good licensing practices.
Good luck to you
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
No worries on the time stamps - just referenced the video to show that these are bigger clients using the photos.
Glad you even clicked the link.
Been poking around tons but thought I'd present a specific example of my own...
... and as for child labor, I'll leave that alone. I do pro bono work of a homeless advocacy group here in LA so hopefully I balance out somewhere in the middle. Point well taken though.
thx again.
First and foremost; Negotiate BEFORE you shoot! Put it in writing! Do not release product until paid in full.
I ain't no bleeding heart liberal......but I agree totally with Angelo.
This is for future shoots - I added what you saw as an example of the type of work I'll be doing.
Just trying to look at people's rates for what I listed.
100% with you on the negotiation >> It's just been unique situation.
Negotiating my future work is set to happen this week.
Just looking for a little guidance here so again, any help is appreciated.
It's pretty new but Shakodo is turning into an active community of reputable pros that help provide great information and guidance on pricing for projects such as this. The site is specifically for that purpose and nothing else - and it's FREE. I recently needed some help pricing a license for a 15-foot long glass mural as a permanent outdoor installation and had no idea where to start. None other than Seth Resnick himself stepped in and gave me the most detailed information I could ever hope for on the right way to price for this use and I felt well prepared for the negotiations. He usually charges $50 to assist with price quotes for assignments or stock sales! I highly recommend checking out the site.
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Thanks for posting the link.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots