
Get a list of ordered photos?

jakoboxjakobox Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
edited July 9, 2011 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Hi guys,

New to SmugMug here, and excited to have just placed my first customer order.

So now I've got a question. Is there not a way to get a simple list of the file numbers ordered? The way I envisioned it was that SmugMug would send me a list of file numbers, I could paste that into Lightroom, reupload the finished photos and send out the order (!)

But the email that I get just has a list of the items ordered... not the actual file names.

I can click through to the review order page and see the prints ordered. From that page I can go to each individual photo and cut and paste the photo number. But for large orders, I anticipate that this is going to be a bit of a pain.

I've looked everywhere for the option to download a list of the filenumbers ordered, but can't find it. This seems like a pretty obvious need (I'm surprised they don't just send the list with the email)... Am I missing something?



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    SteveMSteveM Registered Users Posts: 482 Major grins
    edited March 8, 2011
    Hi J,

    There are a couple of options here. First, when reviewing your Sales History/order screen, the filename should appear under each photo and copyable there. Whether we were to send along a separate email, for the workflow you have in mind you'd still need to copy/paste to search in Lightroom, so may as well have a browser window open and copy/paste directly from the order. With Lightroom 3 and the SmugMug Publish module, this is pretty easy. Search for those files, make any needed adjustments, then "Republish". So nice!

    Through you Pro Sale reports, you also have a listing of all the filenames, orders, sales details. You can find those in your Sales History in four different versions. You can cut/paste to search here as well.

    We have a few ideas floating around the think tank on how to possibly make this easier in the future, but we'd love to hear your thoughts as well!
    Steve Mills
    BizDev Account Manager
    Image Specialist & Pro Concierge

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    jakoboxjakobox Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited March 15, 2011
    Thanks Steve. That answers my question.

    For what it's worth, I would personally find a list of comma separated values to be immensely useful in terms of prints ordered. It could be something to cut and paste from the web page, or something to download.
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    JillLangJillLang Registered Users Posts: 42 Big grins
    edited July 6, 2011
    I used to be able to download a csv file that had everything in it. The customer info, photo purchased, product purchased, etc. Now it comes in two different files.

    I'm creating mailing lists and really need this one file instead of having to go through each order.

    Any help or suggestions??


    My SmugMug Site

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    cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited July 7, 2011
    JillLang wrote: »
    I used to be able to download a csv file that had everything in it. The customer info, photo purchased, product purchased, etc. Now it comes in two different files.

    I'm creating mailing lists and really need this one file instead of having to go through each order.

    Any help or suggestions??


    I assume you are trying to do something fancy and advanced like build a list of everyone that bought from a given gallery?

    The simplest way to do this is to use a lookup function to merge the two tables. Here's how to do it in Numbers on the mac, Excel or other spreadsheets would be similar, but different... I've not used Excel in years so I can't really help you translate it much.
    1. Get both detailed and summary CSVs into one workbook as two sheets or tables (I name them Items and Orders)
    2. add a column to the items table for each column you want to import from the orders table, in this case, say just one for email address
    3. give that column a title in row 1
    4. create a formula in row 2 as follows:
      =lookup($A2, Orders::$A, Orders::$C)
      The $ signs here mean "absolute", So for all three values it's an absolute column reference. I know excel has a few lookup functions, but just in case you have to search for which one, the Numbers lookup() I'm using here has three arguments:
      1. first is the value to look for, in this case the OrderID of the row in question
      2. next is the range to look in, in this case he OrderID column of the orders table
      3. finally is the range to pull the value from, in this case the email column of the orders table
    5. copy and paste that formula into every row

    I've attached a sanitized screen shot of how the various parts relate in Numbers. The top table is the Orders table, the bottom one is the Items table. The green arrow ties the cell being edited to the formula, the other three colored arrows point to the location or range that is being used.

    With that merge setup you can sort the items table by gallery, then select the range of email addresses you're interested in, then reduce them to filter out duplicates via whatever method you want. Personally, I'd remove them to a separate table, sort then remove dupes. (Or export to a file and use `uniq` or `sort -u` at the command line...)
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
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    JillLangJillLang Registered Users Posts: 42 Big grins
    edited July 7, 2011
    Thanks. I guess I'll have to try this. I have no idea why they had to change this report!!

    My SmugMug Site

    My African Grey Video
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    cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited July 7, 2011
    JillLang wrote: »
    I have no idea why they had to change this report!!

    I split it in two because for the vast majority of users the old combined format meant about a 4x increase in file size, which for a number of users meant the resulting file was too big to generate. And for a few it was even too big to open in some spread sheet tools.
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
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    SamirDSamirD Registered Users Posts: 3,474 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2011
    Since the CSV can be filtered by date, if there was a way to restrict the date to a particular range, one could select only the orders on a particular date and generate a single CSV that would probably be under the file size limit. Just a thought. thumb.gif
    Pictures and Videos of the Huntsville Car Scene: www.huntsvillecarscene.com
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    cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited July 8, 2011
    SamirD wrote: »
    Since the CSV can be filtered by date, if there was a way to restrict the date to a particular range, one could select only the orders on a particular date and generate a single CSV that would probably be under the file size limit. Just a thought. thumb.gif

    Yes, filter by arbitrary date is a requested feature in the list. I've asked the PMs to get a front end guy assigned to that task since the filter is shared by the csv download and the history report page. I might be able to put in a combined csv at that point, no promises.
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
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    SamirDSamirD Registered Users Posts: 3,474 Major grins
    edited July 9, 2011
    cabbey wrote: »
    Yes, filter by arbitrary date is a requested feature in the list. I've asked the PMs to get a front end guy assigned to that task since the filter is shared by the csv download and the history report page. I might be able to put in a combined csv at that point, no promises.
    Good to see you're already on top of it. thumb.gif
    Pictures and Videos of the Huntsville Car Scene: www.huntsvillecarscene.com
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