Downloading from P-2000

So I got this nifty new Epson P-2000 portable storage device. Nice size, great display, seems to work as advertised. And, as I expected, my Macintosh recognizes the device with no additional software needed.
However, Image Capture does not recognize it. I use Image Capture to download my Compact Flash cards from a card reader because Image Capture is smart enough to traverse the directory structure of the card and put all images in one directory on my notebook. However, Image Capture does not recognize the P-2000. So I'm left dragging and dropping from within Finder. This makes it hard to collapse the directory structure without a bunch of clicking or creating a shell or perl script.
Any ideas?
However, Image Capture does not recognize it. I use Image Capture to download my Compact Flash cards from a card reader because Image Capture is smart enough to traverse the directory structure of the card and put all images in one directory on my notebook. However, Image Capture does not recognize the P-2000. So I'm left dragging and dropping from within Finder. This makes it hard to collapse the directory structure without a bunch of clicking or creating a shell or perl script.
Any ideas?
Bill Jurasz - Mercury Photography - Cedar Park, TX
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What do you use for cataloging? It seems to me that iPhoto, iView Media Pro would both handle that problem if you imported. Not sure, but I think they would.
Also, it appears that there is a firmware update available. Have you tried that?
Also maybe try deleting the Image Capture Prefs? I know, maybe it's not intended to recognize the device, but it's worth a shot, and you've not much to lose.
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This may sound silly...
Do I have to keep the battery installed even when the AC is connected?
I don't want to keep the battery installed while using the AC because...
Then the battery starts charging ... I only like to charge the battery when it is completely or near drained.
Do not connect the AC adapter when the battery is not installed; this can damage the P-2000.
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True. It's a lithium-ion. Only the older NiCads/NiMH need to be discharged fully. Li-ion works better if kept mostly charged, actually.
Bill & colourbox for taking the time to answer my concern regarding P-2000 battery charging.
It still puzzles me as to why this unit can NOT work with just the AC power
Ok, I've consigned to copying data from the P-2000 to my hard disk and having this somewhat deep and elaborate directory structure. Oh well. And I'm using a simple unix command to flatten that directory structure. No biggies but could be nicer. And could not get Image Capture to recognize the device.
But.... how do I get the data removed from the P2000 to free up space? There is no menu command to format the disk or to remove files! Do I just drag to trash from Finder, empty trash, and disconnect? It can't possibly be that hard to do.
Epson really needs to think through the user experience a bit more...
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I found out how to do it. But, granted, the method is not documented in the user's manual.
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