Now that first one is an unusual angle! It would have been great to have a little bit more depth of field so that you could see the second paw, but I think you did great to capture just this moment--mouth open for that next bite! I also like the 3rd photo. Pretty bird, and the lighting and background are nice. The second photo is so back lit that it is my least favorite. Best, Pam
Thank you very much! I think your comments on all three are spot-on. The first was taken at Pebble Beach in Carmel, CA, what a beautiful spot! The ground squirrels were just way too cute and friendly, I couldn't help but pull out my camera. I have a few other shots of them that I will look through to see if there's something better.
The next two were taken at a resort on the Big Sur coast, another beautiful location with some very interesting wildlife.
The next two were taken at a resort on the Big Sur coast, another beautiful location with some very interesting wildlife.