Using the flash in manual mode and using it off camera!
I wasn't sure where to post this question, but thought HERE might be a good spot. (Mods feel free to move if there's a better spot!)
So I have a good DSLR camera.
And I even have a good flash capable of working in a RC mode or as a slave. Yay me! LOL...
Normally I'm more of a natural light photographer but I'm taking an intermediate photography course at my local Jr. College and we had a guest speaker last week who was a local photographer. His pictures amazed me. He talked about using his flash in all manual mode and even showed a few of his setups but honestly in 2 hours, most of it sailed right over my head! He offers a 2 day seminar so you can get some hands on training but i'm too broke to consider that at the moment. So can anyone tell me of any books or websites that will explain it in better detail?
I did finally learn how to use my flash in manual mode a few weeks ago, but this photographer's lecture left me a little confused.
So how about a specific question that maybe some of you can answer.
Let's say I'm at a beautiful location before sunset. Let's just say the camera meters the background as F8, 1/125th of a second at ISO 200.
He said he'd then also set his flash for the same amount onto his beautiful subject. (Not quite sure how to do that.... I just used my flash in manual before to tell me the distance to subject to get full or half power? I use an Olympus FL-50R if that helps... Maybe I just need to read my manual more.. lol) Does setting it for "full power" at it's recommended distance based on focal length mean it's going to match the background lighting? I guess I didn't see how the flash would know what the power would be needed to match the scenery... My manual talks about guide numbers and that the optimum shooting distance can be calculated by dividing the guide number by the aperture value... but I still don't see how you use that to match the ambient lighting if you're in full manual?
So maybe I just need to go practice to make it "gel" in my head... but if ya'll have any advice, references, and so on that will help this make sense, I'd greatly appreciate it!
So I have a good DSLR camera.

Normally I'm more of a natural light photographer but I'm taking an intermediate photography course at my local Jr. College and we had a guest speaker last week who was a local photographer. His pictures amazed me. He talked about using his flash in all manual mode and even showed a few of his setups but honestly in 2 hours, most of it sailed right over my head! He offers a 2 day seminar so you can get some hands on training but i'm too broke to consider that at the moment. So can anyone tell me of any books or websites that will explain it in better detail?
I did finally learn how to use my flash in manual mode a few weeks ago, but this photographer's lecture left me a little confused.
So how about a specific question that maybe some of you can answer.
Let's say I'm at a beautiful location before sunset. Let's just say the camera meters the background as F8, 1/125th of a second at ISO 200.
He said he'd then also set his flash for the same amount onto his beautiful subject. (Not quite sure how to do that.... I just used my flash in manual before to tell me the distance to subject to get full or half power? I use an Olympus FL-50R if that helps... Maybe I just need to read my manual more.. lol) Does setting it for "full power" at it's recommended distance based on focal length mean it's going to match the background lighting? I guess I didn't see how the flash would know what the power would be needed to match the scenery... My manual talks about guide numbers and that the optimum shooting distance can be calculated by dividing the guide number by the aperture value... but I still don't see how you use that to match the ambient lighting if you're in full manual?
So maybe I just need to go practice to make it "gel" in my head... but if ya'll have any advice, references, and so on that will help this make sense, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Lots of good info here... Get you started on the road to using your flash.