How many people here use a prophoto blog? Is it as easy to setup as they make it sound. I have little to no experience with web design and really don't care to learn more than the basics. Is ProPhoto a good option?
Setting up a blog via WP and GoDaddy for instance is really easy. It DOES take seat-time to accomplish, but it is easy. Choosing a template is a bit harder because you have to wade thru all of the hyperbole and templates to arrive at one you want and feel confident in it being what you want as well.
If at Prophoto you find one you like and want them to do the hard-er part, then that is what they are there for besides selling you a template.
Personally I prefer to go find my own template, install it myself and adjust to taste. The templates out there are getting better and better and many template creators are giving good support for their templates!
ETA: I use godaddy and wordpress on my photopro site as well. Great trifecta!
Like angevin said it definitely takes a bit of time to set up, so save the project when you can sit for a while uninterrupted in front of your pc to figure it all out. Once you get it installed though it is a snap to update, and with all the templates can look pretty sharp.
Lot of cool widgets if that's your thing, and good mechanics for comments etc.
I'm at for an example of a simple template that has a nice flow.