#72 The Underside of Breakfast

Is there any merit to this idea?

This is way outside my usual comfort zone, but that's the point of the challenges, right?
Anyway, I'd love any C&C you have. Reshooting is a possibility, depending on the degree of bribery required to get the model to cooperate. :rolleyes
If I had a polarizer for this lens, I'd use it.

This is way outside my usual comfort zone, but that's the point of the challenges, right?
Anyway, I'd love any C&C you have. Reshooting is a possibility, depending on the degree of bribery required to get the model to cooperate. :rolleyes
If I had a polarizer for this lens, I'd use it.
The goal of my photography is is the effective, original communication of a feeling expressing truth, beauty, or love.
Here's a version with a spoon in it to reinforce the breakfast theme.
Then I decided to mess with B&W:
There are definitely some reflections on the glass, but they are actually coming from below (at least some of them.) If I had a big polarizer, I'd use it.
The other thing that is causing softness is that it turns out there's not great light underneath a table. Who woulda guessed?
I took some more with no box or bowl. At first blush, I didn't like them as well, but maybe I'll mess with them some more.
Kwickers: I cropped it down some, but I like seeing part of the light, because I think it reinforces the unusual perspective. Does this crop work better for you?
Do you think one of these works better than the original?
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Andy -- I thought about that, but I was afraid that would make it look like a commercial. I see if I can turn it (or find a different box) so it shows but not too obviously.
Gabby --
I think I'm liking the B&W version best right now.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Pentax K-x and assorted lenses
Photo Of The Day & My SmugMug Gallery
Canon 7D and not enough L glass....
milk and a few cherrios too would lend anything. My kids couldn't help but
make a few stray drops of everything on the table. I did too.
I agree with turning the box a bit so as to see the front a tad as mentioned.
I'm leaning towards the B&W, but if you feel I should go for the color, say so!