Using a Flash With a Reflective Background
With prom just around teh corner, I need to get a few pics of the kids at the house prior to going to the dance. My wife would like the pictures taken in front of the fireplace that has a large picture hanging above it. I have tried some test shots but the flash is being reflected off the picture.
So, my question to all who can help is, how can I get this shot with out the bright spot from the flash?
Thanks in advance.
So, my question to all who can help is, how can I get this shot with out the bright spot from the flash?
Thanks in advance.
The first thing you might consider is removing the offending picture from the wall. Potentially replace it with something less reflective if you still want something in that position or if removing it creates other problems.
If you cannot remove the picture then it would be best to move your flash(es) far enough to the sides to prevent them being visible in the reflection. If the flash is visible then the reflection might still show other items like you and the camera so some photographic dulling spray, or even some hair spray in a pinch, will act to reduce the reflection. If you don't have appropriate lighting then consider purchasing or renting something appropriate. Studio monolights are my personal preference, along with appropriate modifiers.
Polarizing the light source and then using a polarizing filter on your lens will allow fairly direct control over the extent of the reflection.
Sometimes shimming or propping the picture from the wall can shift the reflection so that it is less objectionable.
You might be able to light the area correctly for the picture, without any other subjects in the scene, and then add the properly lit picture back into the final image in post using advanced Photoshop technique. (This is tremendously time consuming and I don't seriously recommend it, but it's possible to do if nothing else is viable.)
If none of this seems workable choose another, more appropriate, site.
Worst case scenario, hire a professional to take the shots.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums