CH48 Eye Phone . . . Can You See Me Now?

I've been working on this for a week and finally I think I have one I can post without embarrassing myself. Tell me what you think and what I might do to make it better. The biggest problem I'm having is getting the eye to look good; I've come to the conclusion that you can only pack so much resolution in such a tiny photo 128X128. Of course if I could Photo Shop I could make it perfect. Any suggestions?
Have you tried more of your face, perhaps with a finger to your mouth (Shhhhhhh don't tell anyone I'm in the phone) type of thing? Or the L "loser" sign,
I think your face would personalize it better, or how about a "confidential or top secret" phone photo?
Just offering up a few more suggestions for brain storming... great idea!
I like the eye though
Thanks guys for the help. I wish I could respond quicker and post more often. Any way I've tried a couple more tell me what you think. Have I made it better or worse? Is this the right direction to take? I would change the title to BIg Brother, you know the George Orwell's novel "1984" theme.
Good luck
"Osprey Whisperer"