Looking for a used Canon Rebel or Nikon,...would like 12-14 megapixels...and the abilitly to change lenses...Suggestions, ideas....HELP????
Many thanks :dunno
I have heard really good stuff about the Nikon 7000....but since this sounds like your first DSLR and possible your first camera....might I suggest looking at used Nikon D200's or D300's ...... couple either of these cams with a Sigma 24-70 or 70-22 f2.8 lens and you have a fantastic combo that if you desire to go PRO down the road would easily allow it and if sometime in the future you wanted to move up to Full Frame camera these lenses would move right along with out a hitch......I have been using Sigma lenses for over 30 yrs and never had a problem with them......one reawon I really like 'sigma is that the lenses mention above are called Macro....but really they are just very close focus lenses.....so a slight comparison of the Sigma 70-200 to the Nikon 70-200.....I cannot get close enuff to a person to photograph his the eye (pupil and Iris) as it's closest working distance is about 6 feet........with the Sigma I can get close enuff for this and really I cannot tell the difference in image quality between the 2 lenses..........I do shoot off a tripod as much as possible so I have the best stability possible also......If shooting handheld I am leaning against trees, light poles, fence posts etc etc....any thing for the best stability possible......
Why don't you have a quick read through our Cameras forum to get some ideas.
And then take a look at the listings in both the Nikon and Canon sections here in the flea market.
Good Luck on your search