Stats not working

I'm posting this because I didn't see it in the first couple of pages of bugs. The gallery or totals stats are not working.
Also the radio buttons that allowing the parsing of photos and videos is broken.
Can you advise when this will be fixed
Thanks Kerry
I'm posting this because I didn't see it in the first couple of pages of bugs. The gallery or totals stats are not working.
- Give us your site name
- Describe the problem - Stats are not working (several days)
- List the steps to replicate and recreate the problem
- Provide links to your galleries, photos, etc so we can look
- Let us know your system, and browser and version (e.g., Firefox 3, on Windows
- All browsers on a windows 7 machine.
Also the radio buttons that allowing the parsing of photos and videos is broken.
Can you advise when this will be fixed
Thanks Kerry
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
my stats work very seldom. if i choose popularity the screen quickly says laoding...but no change. Every once on a while the stats work fine. I can usually go to a gallery and look at it's stats just fine. But I'd like to compare gallery traffic by looking at all galleries at one time. Hopefully the Doc can help me out too.