Proposed law outlawing photography of a farm
"An act relating to farms; prohibiting a person from entering onto a farm or photographing or video recording a farm without the owner’s written consent; providing a definition; providing penalties; providing an effective date."
Not good.
My understanding is that the Florida lawmaker wants to make it illegal for animal protection groups to photograph farm animal abuse. So he's not only trampling on photographer's rights, but the rights of those bringing attention to lawbreaking.
"An act relating to farms; prohibiting a person from entering onto a farm or photographing or video recording a farm without the owner’s written consent; providing a definition; providing penalties; providing an effective date."
Not good.
My understanding is that the Florida lawmaker wants to make it illegal for animal protection groups to photograph farm animal abuse. So he's not only trampling on photographer's rights, but the rights of those bringing attention to lawbreaking.
The proposed legislation is poorly written to the extreme. The first part imposes draconian penalties for entering the owner's property w/o permission (I guess trespass was not severe enough for these evil people). The second part makes it a felony to photograph a farm while on public property w/o the property owner's permission.
That second part puts me in severe jeopardy as I do a lot of wildlife photography at the Viera Wetlands. The wetlands are surrounded by the Duda farm so every time I take a picture at the wetlands I would be committing a felony under this law. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
In Road Island a 5 year old boy was kidnapped, brutalized, killed, and eaten in 1975. The killer is being released early for good behavior.
Now they want to lock up ordinary people for up to 30 years for taking a photograph of a farm!
How are these connected you wonder. It's the breakdown of rational thought and actions. How anyone can wonder why I have very little respect for the authorities, laws or courts has a real deficit of cognitive function.
PS: Of course there is the other side of this is maybe they have seen through Harry's nefarious farm photos disguised as innocent bird photos. Your going down harry................
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
This brings to light the amount of illegal and perhaps amoral things that must be happening down on some of those farms. Too weird!
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
Yes, and if he does I will swear he was having a beer with me when this animal was introduced to the other side.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr