DSS #72 - CC and idea brewing?
These are two very quick edits to get some feedback about this idea. I always wonder what lurks under the bed? :scratch
Image 1 - Closer

Image 2 - A little further away to get the idea more of under the bed...

I also have one that just a single foot and close, but didn't really care for it so I didn't post it.
Image 1 - Closer

Image 2 - A little further away to get the idea more of under the bed...

I also have one that just a single foot and close, but didn't really care for it so I didn't post it.
#1... It gives me the creeps like something is right there ready to grab you. It all stems back to The Trilogy of Terror's Zuni Fetish Doll. (http://www.trilogyofterror.com/) (Someone actually let me watch when I was young.) But really... I like it!
#2... The color is great on it. I like the warmer tomes to the wood under the bed. It feels more like the dog or cat is under the bed and watching you get up. I think if I had to choose I would pick this one.
My SmugMug
My only other nit is the light and color. It's too... happy and nice for the feel of the pic, for me. I think #1 works better because the color is muted somewhat. I almost want to see something low-key, or in a really strong contrast B&W. Maybe even a split-tone, with the highlights tinted a little blue to give the effect of night, and the shadows tinted a greenish or something.
I usually have no clue what I'm talking about, so take all the above with the proper dosage of salt
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
Pentax K-x and assorted lenses
I like odd crops, so I don't mind the crop in the 2nd, but it would be interestng to see if you could keep the colors & reflection and go wider. I guessing that's tough to do in your space though.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I made the suggestion assuming they were adult feet. If they are children's feet, my suggestion is obviously null and void (unless adult feet are substituted in
Pentax K-x and assorted lenses
I have a few other ideas brewing on this one, but don't know if I'll even have time to post in this challenge as work has taken me away from home for a while and I haven't had a chance to play with the PP on these or re-shoot some of the ideas I have.
Ah well, life happens.
- Randy
Photo Of The Day & My SmugMug Gallery
Canon 7D and not enough L glass....