FH: Professional retoucher looking for online projects (retouching)

kleoshotkleoshot Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
edited March 16, 2011 in For Hire
I'm a professional photographer/retoucher highly experienced and constantly aiming to perfection.
My goal in fashion/beauty/child retouching is: "to make it look naturaly perfect!"
I specialize in portrait photo retouching.

Portfolio: http://kleoshot.com

The price depends on ammont of retouching: skin, makeup, suntan, body shape correction, colouring, lighting, adding/removing elements, background swapping, FX, artistic colorisation etc.
Examples of retouching (before/after) with prices you can view in gallery: http://kleoshot.com/retouch.thm

Contact information & base pricing can be found on my web site: http://kleoshot.com
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