Strobist Question
New here....and WOW!! What a great forum!!!!
I am not sure if my thread belongs there a special section just for lighting and strobist type conversations?
Anyways, I am looking to learn off camera flash and I have read the 101 on Strobist and came up with this list of items I will need.
Would someone be willing to look it over and see what you think and if you have any advice it would be appreciated.
List of items needed (click on link to view product):
Light Stand
Hot Shoe
Shoe Mount
Umbrella silver
Umbrella White
Wireless Triggers
Now I know that the triggers I have listed are bottom line, I know Pocket Wizards and others would be a better choice. However, with limited funds at the moment, I would like to just get to where I can practice and learn as cheaply as possible, then down the road save up for more quality equipment.
And what about this gadget Speedlite Transmitter?
Exactly what is this for......and can you still have a flash on your camera and use this?
In my bag:
Canon 5D mkII
Canon 430 EX
Canon 580 EX
Sigma 530DG Super
Any advice greatly appreciated.....I am a hobbiest and OCF is totally new to me so please break it down in simple terms if you can.....:)
Thank you very much!
New here....and WOW!! What a great forum!!!!
I am not sure if my thread belongs there a special section just for lighting and strobist type conversations?
Anyways, I am looking to learn off camera flash and I have read the 101 on Strobist and came up with this list of items I will need.
Would someone be willing to look it over and see what you think and if you have any advice it would be appreciated.
List of items needed (click on link to view product):
Light Stand
Hot Shoe
Shoe Mount
Umbrella silver
Umbrella White
Wireless Triggers
Now I know that the triggers I have listed are bottom line, I know Pocket Wizards and others would be a better choice. However, with limited funds at the moment, I would like to just get to where I can practice and learn as cheaply as possible, then down the road save up for more quality equipment.
And what about this gadget Speedlite Transmitter?
Exactly what is this for......and can you still have a flash on your camera and use this?
In my bag:
Canon 5D mkII
Canon 430 EX
Canon 580 EX
Sigma 530DG Super
Any advice greatly appreciated.....I am a hobbiest and OCF is totally new to me so please break it down in simple terms if you can.....:)
Thank you very much!
That is great!!!! Into my shopping cart
I appreciate your post!
I would also look into the rf602 units
happy hunting
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
Thank you timetosmile:)
Those look pretty good and read some great reviews on them.
Do you know would I also need to order this in order to use the rf602?
Sorry if that is a silly questions but honestly I am such a neewbie
In general the IR signal in Canon's own flashes/triggers isn't as reliable as radio triggers (eg pocket wizards, cactus, radio poppers etc), but it works fine for the what I need it to do.
Oh that is good to know...I am happy to hear that....thank you Divamum!
I numbered the items to make answering a bit easier for goes>>>>>
6 & 7- STE2 or RF triggers........I am not a canon shooter so whether or not a STE 2 is good I do not know....I do not trust anythning that is IR controlled...I shoot with Inexpensive 16 Channel ebay triggers like these ..... they have worked great for me for over yrs.....that is how long the transmitter battery has been in there without far I have had no misfires that was the problem of the units......a couple because I did not have transmitter on the hot-shoe all the way.....I also like these because they come with an assortment of plugs for various types of flashes............I shoot with a variety of hot-shoe and studio flash units and they require different plugs for the receiver to fire them...... towards the bottom of the page linked is a set of 4 recievers and 1 transmitter for ~~$45 ....if you peruse the listings you may find similar deal from a US supplier, but will have to pay shipping probably.....
The flashes in your bag...can, I think, work togerther wirelessly....but again that is IR which means line of sight and not over 25 or 30 feet (maybe 50' ) and will not function well in bright sun again I recommend the ebay RF triggers linked above........If any of your flash units do not have a pc connection I can also recommend a different umbrella bracket than the one linked to below........
1- light stands - the one linked to: something about that I just do not like ....take a look at these: .... I have one of the background stands and the 10 foot stand both good as the price goes up the quality and sturdiness goes up.....I use a lot of Paul Buff / Alien Bee equipment......
2 & 3 - I would recommend this instead - you need the umbrella holder as well as the shoes for the flash...this is all in one...not need for the pc-style shoe as you will either use camera as commander (IR control and not real reliable) or with RF triggers - best option
4 & 5 - Like I said earlier I like Paul buff equipment so here are my choices on umbrellas......... They are 48" the reverseable ones are for bounce lighting and the translucent one is for shoot thru or bounce ......My personal preference is white
Think I covered everything with a bit of explanation if more is needed just ask...........
Art, that is awesome you took the time to do that! And adding the links just puts you over the top! Thank you thank you thank you!
I am off to re-read everything you just wrote and spend some time looking at your links.
Thank you so much!
I'll be baaaaaaaack!
Thank YOU!!
NO PROB...I try to help when I can.....
If you order the rf602 for your camera, they should come with it. But you will need two transmitters to trigger both the shutter and the flash, if you want to do that.
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
Thank you!:)