Passworded Galleries Searchability

Why can't the keyword cloud from passworded galleries be appended to the
keyword list when the password is entered? This is now done when logging in.
This would make many families very happy that don't want their photos
exposed to the public and still be searchable.
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keyword list when the password is entered? This is now done when logging in.
This would make many families very happy that don't want their photos
exposed to the public and still be searchable.
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Maybe it needs an additional checkbox, or something, so that if the gallery is password protected that a checkbox would be come available to "include in search results" or not?
- Greg
would have be entered and then whatever KW's exist in that PW'ed gallery
are added to the keyword cloud. Also include all galleries with that same
Currently not logged in, no KW's show in the keyword listing from PW'ed galleries.
Log in and all the KW's are included in the KW listing. So there is already a trigger,
password, to add them in this case.
I would think there could to be a checkbox in each gallery settings for passworded
galleries to toggle ""allow keywords/searchability".
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