gear security & theft insurance
Hi -
Does anyone have experience with Gary fong lens and bag guards?
Also, any recommendations for theft insurance for your gear, especially when travelling overseas?
Does anyone have experience with Gary fong lens and bag guards?
Also, any recommendations for theft insurance for your gear, especially when travelling overseas?
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What gear do you may have to get pro insurance for overseas traveling...I do not trust homeowners riders to cover gear out of country especially......PPA has good insurance but you ahve to join to get insurance from Marsh their recommended that is the PPA membership fee + insurance ....or send hill and Usher a list of gear and get a membership fees just insurance......
The best gear insurance as far as the gary fong stuff...I personally would not waste my money on that .......I would however decide how much gear I want to take and buy a sling bag to fit.....with a proper sling bag such as the LowePro Slingshot 350 you can get a lot of gear and if you have to have a laptop a small one will fit also (14 or 15")..... With a slingbag you never have to take it off....carries like a backpack and then just rotate to change out gear...rotate back into backpack position for walking......the problem with backpacks are you have to remove them to change gear and that is what the thieves are waiting for...they are not going to wait for you to change gear and leave the pack sitting but as it comes off your back you are unstable and vulnerable.... they hit you snatch the pack and are gone before you can catch your balance......if yu stop to eat at a bistro or cafe take the bag off and attach it to the leg of your do not need an over priced item from gary fong to do this an inexpensive BIKE cable and lock will work fine.......