Upload New Gallery adds to end....
Is there any way when adding a new gallery that it can add it to the beginning instead of the end? Everytime I add a new gallery to my Recent Sessions page, I have to "arrange" them, wait forever for all the 300+ thumbnails to load, and then move it to the "front" or top of the gallery list. Is there a way for them to upload to the top automatically?
Janelle Rodgers
Janelle Rodgers
That's an option on the 'galleries' box. You can either set 'sort galleries by' to 'most recent' or 'position'. You have the latter option set and it'll add new galleries to the end of the listing. If you change the setting to 'most recent', all galleries would be shown in the order they were last updated. So new galleries would show first. Note that you can't manually arrange galleries if you select 'most recent'.
You can find the 'sort galleries by' setting in the control panel > homepage tab > galleries box. It's at the top left part of the galleries box.
Read more on it here:
(arranging galleries section)
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