my favorite guy
just some recent pics to share...5 months old yesterday :lust:lust

this one is a little soft..but just showing that he's not always so dramatic..he actually smiles all the time.. but when he smiles he gets so excited he moves all around and I can never get a crisp shot of it, LOL!

this one is a little soft..but just showing that he's not always so dramatic..he actually smiles all the time.. but when he smiles he gets so excited he moves all around and I can never get a crisp shot of it, LOL!

You have seriously cute kids, Melissa! How's big sis doing with the newcomer?
Thank you! yes he has some beautiful eyes, I always say they are going to get him out of a lot of trouble with momma as he gets older, and probably in a lot of trouble with the ladies!
1 is my favorite too...i am just so crazy about him. he is such a mommas boy! Ashleigh is doing really well... She is a big help with everything and just loves her little brother so much
aww thank you!
HA! hey if it makes you feel any better, he makes me want another one too, and I'm also supposed to be done!