SmugMaps+quote from Andy on News 14

I just found the article on SmugMaps from News 14. It also features a quote from "Andy Williams of". So now you're SM's official PR guy? :rofl
Here ya go
Here ya go
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Dave's Favorites: Smugmug Adds Locations to Your Photos
Experts say that location services are the Next Big Thing. Certainly,
there's been an explosion in all things locational, such as Global
Positioning System devices, Web-based satellite maps, driving
directions, and location-based services via cell phone.
Add one more to the list: associating digital photos with the location
they were taken. Smugmug is one of the first sites to make this
concept a reality. After you post your photos to the popular Web site,
you're offered the opportunity to enter a physical address or pick a
location from a map. People who browse your photos can then, with a
click, get a view of your images on Google's satellite map.
If your digital camera is capable of marking image files with GPS
coordinates, Smugmug grabs that information automatically. While there
aren't many cameras with GPS capabilities today, I'm sure this will
become common within a couple of years.
Smugmug offers a very cool addition to the world of digital photo
metadata. You can try it out yourself at the Web site:
To see it in action, visit this map of New York City and click on the
pushpin icons to see photo collections:
I expect this sort of thing to become huge in a year or two--and
remember, you heard it here first.