Turtle ..over easy please
I had about 20 mins to kill and was up near the wetlands so decided to stop (it is my home away from home)
The light was pretty harsh so I looked for a shot I could work with:
I came upon this heron working really hard to keep this "fighting for his life turtle in his beak"
These are the best 3..
This poor little guy got dropped twice due to his fight

Now the heron gets him back and mr. turtle withdraws to his shell...the heron flips him..(of course he does..everybody knows herons like their turtles over easy:wink )

Since it was 4:30pm, and Florida...
This can be known as an earlybird special

The light was pretty harsh so I looked for a shot I could work with:
I came upon this heron working really hard to keep this "fighting for his life turtle in his beak"
These are the best 3..
This poor little guy got dropped twice due to his fight

Now the heron gets him back and mr. turtle withdraws to his shell...the heron flips him..(of course he does..everybody knows herons like their turtles over easy:wink )

Since it was 4:30pm, and Florida...
This can be known as an earlybird special

Maybe it's just me but to capture wildlife doing what wildlife do is doubly rewarding.
You know I think you got yourself an RR flip
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Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Me likes 'em. Nice captures, Trish.
That would explain the white (hair) feathers.....and the long lines out front.
"Osprey Whisperer"
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Ab fab! That first one, it really makes one feel for the poor turtle. And I love the flip!
You are a funny one
I did feel sorry for the turtle...he fought like hell and got out of the beak twice...but to no avail...he was dinner.
Thanks! Published...where would i find out how???
(I can't imagine having that shell to deal with....major problems!)
You are so right about that. I tend to like my shots better when They show
off habitat and/or behavior.
I love the way the food chain works...and am very happy to be at the top of it!
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"