I need some Opinions about my site my work
Im new to the industry looking for credible opinions on my web site and work . I wanna take this to the next level and possibly over time branch out into various aspects of the industry thanks in advance . The site is www.stlphotoart.com regards Brian
The red on black really doesn't work for me. Your landscapes and St Louis pages don't allow me to navigate back.
Your prices are darn cheap so they may appeal to some people, but I have found most buyers steer away from things that look too cheap. Paying $5 tells me that I can do it myself. Paying $100 I may see the value.
You also allow anyone to share the images (get a link). Why pay when I can post in facebook or forums or whatever? No watermarks will encourage this behavior even more.
From what I can tell, it looks like you want to move into the "art" or "print" side of the photography business. This is a huge market and you aren't even a minnow in this pond.
It can be done, but it will take quite a bit of marketing effort on your end and a lot of shooting.
Your landscapes and st. louis galleries have breadcrumbs disabled (hide owner set to yes most likely). There's no easy way back to your homepage. After browsing through a gallery, it takes many back button clicks to get to any other gallery. I'd close that site and move on instead of going through the effort to see more of it.
So Im sorry Dave what do you mean By Breadcrumbs being disabled ??? Great input you guys thanks anything else I welcome the ctitiques I have already made some recommended changes from a previous post .
Why the large space below your banner? Your site looks fine on a large screen monitor but on a laptop the height of your banner and nav takes away from the available viewing space. You should look at your site on a laptop - or in a browser window sized to mimic the size of a laptop screen.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
By the way, you should always check your site in a browser where you are not logged in to smug - that way you will see it as your viewers see it.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
It looks as if you are only selling prints, not a service like weddings or portraits or commercial work.
There is nothing wrong with that, it is just one of the toughest ways to make a living with a camera.
The first rule of business is "It's not about you." You really have to separate the personal from the business.
If you want the greatest number of people searching your site and spending time on it, I would recommend that you consider a color that appeals to the widest audience.
Also, You have your logo and "tag" line as a header, Using it as a footer also is a little repetitive and a bit much in my opinion.
Good Luck in your new photography passion...
In a perfect world it would all be about us (the photographer).
Putting aside our wishes for the clients can be a very taxing thing for some people. Trust me, that doesn't change with time. The money made helps...
Your site is off to a great start! You might want to look at threads HERE, HERE and HERE for help taking your customization to the next level.
I found JFriend's HTML5 slideshow to be a drastic improvement over the native Smugmug slider...you can much more control over everything.
Good luck!
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