Kodak Picture of the Day smugmug community

Show off you Kodak pictures of the day!
I have created a smugmug community just this. Make a Kodak Picture of the Day gallery containing your winners and add it to this community.
Here are the steps:
You can comment of others galleries!
Perhaps a kind moderator will stick this post somewhere.
I have created a smugmug community just this. Make a Kodak Picture of the Day gallery containing your winners and add it to this community.
Here are the steps:
- Visit http://smugmug.com/community/KPotD and join it
- Make a gallery for your winners
- Move (copies of) your winners into the new gallery
- Customize the gallery, make sure it's public, and make it a part of the KPotD community
- Consider turning comments on in this gallery customizaiton. These are great shots, right? You're going to get praise. Why not let everyone see it?
You can comment of others galleries!
Perhaps a kind moderator will stick this post somewhere.
If not now, when?
This only takes a few minutes to do and when we are done, it will be a nice thing and help to bring eyeballs to your site. So, please, join, and add a gallery of your winners.
OK, give me a few minutes...
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Now let's get some more people to add their galleries. And let's get Andy to add his three missing winners. Please, Andy, please.
it's only two that are missing, and i'm trying to remember which they are
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You said there were 10 and I'm only counting 7 unless the guy with the camera in Times Square is a POTD and not documentation? Or is the white dog the last winner?
It's be cool if you at least moved the winners to the start of the gallery so they were easier to see.
i'm sorry, rutt - my gallery is sorted the way i want it to be, it all makes sense.
there are eight in the gallery: natasha snow, umbrella man, streaming light, haircut, peekaboo, wife, ir river scene, babe ruth/yankee stadium. i'm searching for the two other ones, i have it narrowed down but i'm looking for the confirmations.
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the guy with the camera, is our own harry behret and to my knowledge, he's been called lotsa things, but *never* documentation
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Oh, Streaming Light. I missed it altogether. Really I did. What a grat shot (and what a great 30 degree diagonal!)
See, that's what I'm talking about. The pictures of the signs and the other stuff just make the great shots hard to see. It sells you short.
You can always make a special gallery just for this and move copies into it.
But then, my total smugmug sales are only in the single digits and I want to outsource my marketing to you. Who am I to tell you? *Sigh*
Ho-lee free ho lee (as Shay Stephens would say):
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
i do, i do
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Thanks for setting it up. Cool community.
Canon Rebel Xsi, Fuji FinePix F10
i'm considering turning mine off
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Canon Rebel Xsi, Fuji FinePix F10
dean, in your control panel, you can turn comment approval "on" and the comments won't get posted until you approve them
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Canon Rebel Xsi, Fuji FinePix F10
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
control panel>comments (#of comments)>upper right of next screen "enable comment approval"
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Thanks Rutt, for putting this together. I saw some great shots that I had never seen before. Great idea!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
All of the pics in the gallery have won something.
Of course you can do whatever you want. I know about this issue with making a public gallery just to have it show up in the community. I posted some suggestions about this.
For now, you have two choices: