#73 Rushing Water

Here's a couple of thoughts for Challenge #73...
I'd appreciate feedback on the two versions, especially related to preferences for the shutter speed difference and softness of the water.
Does the subject work for Rush?
Does one convey the theme better than the other?
Water in a Hurry #1

Water in a Hurry #2

I'd appreciate feedback on the two versions, especially related to preferences for the shutter speed difference and softness of the water.
Does the subject work for Rush?
Does one convey the theme better than the other?
Water in a Hurry #1

Water in a Hurry #2

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Canon 7D and not enough L glass....
i'm with rbustraen, regarding being undecided about the flow. but I wanted to ask what the inclusion of the grass adds to the image? Visually it does add another diagonal layer, but I feel I have to 'look over it' to get to the prize...
Yeah, I'm with you both about the grass. Not sure I can crop it out in a manner that saves the whole, though. I've got a couple of alternatives. Perhaps the best one will be to scrap it an RUSH on to a different plan.
Here's a crop attempt and a desaturated version. I'm really thinking this is a shot with some local interest (a dam that signals the end to drought with an overspill about once a decade) that isn't worth a lot more pp effort. But, I'm open to ideas from either of you (or anyone else out there).
Desaturated version
Cropped Version
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I hadn't thought through the idea of "rush", but I also agree that the stop action shutter feels a bit more like "rush" to me than the fuzziness of the slow shutter.
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My eyes were forced straight to the rushing water as there are no distractions @ the foreground.
Just my thoughts.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pentax K-x and assorted lenses
The first one feels so smooth it is almost calming and that doesn't say rush to me as well.
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