Upload Multiple Photos from a Webpage to Gallery
I would like to upload multiple photos at one time from a Webpage to my gallery.
Is there anyway to do it without having to copy each photo down to my local hard drive and then drag them into the uploader.
For example, here is a page I want to convert to a SmugMug Gallery.
I realize I can right click on each photo to save it to my drive but I would like something faster as I have a lot of Galleries to create.
Is there anyway to do it without having to copy each photo down to my local hard drive and then drag them into the uploader.
For example, here is a page I want to convert to a SmugMug Gallery.
I realize I can right click on each photo to save it to my drive but I would like something faster as I have a lot of Galleries to create.
I installed DownloadThemAll for Firefox which does a great job of getting all the images from the page at once.
This is a big improvement from having to download each one individually, although I still have to download and then upload.
If there ever is a faster way I would like to know, but for now it sounds like this is it.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks David, but unless I am not understanding how this option works, it seems to me I would have to type in the URL for each image.
There might be as many as 35 images on a single page, so I want something where I could just put the URL of the page and all images from that page are automatically added.
If I am wrong and this allows you to just add the URL of the page and all images, regardless of their name, are added to the Gallery, then perhaps you could point me to some more examples.