Download All Zip Name No Longer Contains Album Name

I've been meaning to report this for two days now, but haven't had time.
- Give us your site name -
- Describe the problem - When using the 'Download All' feature in a gallery, it no longer has the gallery name in the zip file.
- List the steps to replicate and recreate the problem - Find a gallery with photos in it, Tools-->Download All. Click on the link in your email and look at the filename. It used to start with the album name (probably using the nicename--I've never checked), now it will be 'album-45450454545....'.
- Provide links to your galleries, photos, etc so we can look - See this gallery: - Let us know your system, and browser and version (e.g., Firefox 3, on Windows) - Tested on the following with the same results:
- 2.4ghz xph 512mb ff1 and ff3
- p3-500 98se 128mb opera9
- 1.8ghz 98se 512mb opera9
- athlon x2 xpp 4gb ff2
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Is it too much to ask for something to just work? Day in, day out, for as long as someone needs it? That's what business is built on. You can't have a solid foundation if it keep shifting around.
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Bad news. This was changed to support the gallery level pricing downloads feature. We will take a look to see if it is possible to add them back. But, I cannot promise anything. The programmer is aware that it is causing you trouble.
Thank you for the update Doc. I guess I'll figure out a way to work around it until its fixed. I don't have much of a choice.
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I don't think you understood Doc, Samir. This change was intentional, it's not a bug. Album names in the zip filenames were causing us some problems.
At least one thing, it's pretty trivial to rename the folder once you've downloaded it.
I'm sorry we had to make this change.
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Well that sucks. :cry It's trivial to rename a file, but not trivial to lookup what it was after you've waited 30mins for a couple of 2gb files to download via wget. But I know of a way around the issue. I've had to get good at having to get around SM issues over the years.
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I'm sorry I don't understand. You can rename the folder once you have it - won't that work?
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I upload all the images from a particular day to one gallery. After verifying that all the files made it, I use the download all feature to download all the images and compare them with the originals on the cards before they're deleted.
Now while this is the workflow, it doesn't happen on a day-to-day basis, but many times multiple days at a time after I recover from shooting. So, the files resulting from the download all processes all get downloaded in one place, and because the filenames contain the gallery name, it's easy to figure out which one goes where.
But there's one detail that's missing from this workflow. Because the 1gb+ files never make it to me completely via any browser due to intermittent packet loss by my ISP, I have to use wget since it can automatically and correctly resume a download. While this does work, it uses the full url for the filename, making it very long. Now that these very long named files no longer contain the gallery name, figuring out which one was what after the long downloads it an extra step.
The workaround I planned was to simply put the downloaded file in the directory where I normally upzip the images too. But the problem I ran into is that the long filenames exceed the path spec for xp, so that's not possible. So now, I just have to unzip the files and then look at the resulting filenames and guess which gallery the directory is and rename the directory.
This is a much different workflow than before. I'm actually tempted to go back to using albumfetcher, but the speed of downloading a single file exceeds albumfetcher's speeds, which is why I changed the workflow to use the download all feature once it was stable.
And this illustrates a fundamental frustration that pros face with SM. If we depend on a SM feature for our workflow, we have no idea if one day our workflow will be disrupted, causing issues with wasted time, and ultimately, lost revenue.
Change is inevitable. It is the only constant. But to build a business, there must be stability. It's a false stability built on a changing foundation. I do business with the companies I do business with to help provide this stability--my web host, SM, rsync, custom programmed scripts, and more. When one of these fails, I have to take a step back to repair a fundamental block in the foundation of my business. Repairing these failures is a part of my job as a business owner, but they take my time away from moving forward in my business.
SM has been a key company in my business, fulfilling the core requirement of being able to allow thousands of photo views a day, as well as provide a way for visitors to purchase photo prints and gifts that can help pay for the SM account. But as the years have gone by, it's been a rocky road filled with a lot of steps forward and back. I've learned that almost every new feature release cannot be used dependably until after months of other users' 'testing' works out all the bugs. I've read that this is a fundamental part of SM's software development process, and that's fine. But the side effect is that these new features often break existing features that have been in production long enough to become a foundation block.
The space that SM is in has gone through a good shake down in the 5+ years I've been a customer, seeing many other companies come and go. And as the competition has become less, the demands for features has increased, especially with the advent of 'social' and the new pressures for innovation that this new direction has created. And to keep up, SM has been introducing new features at a record pace.
But the same problem of breaking old things when introducing new things are introduced is still here. And it's starting to take its toll. I've noticed other long-time SM customers like myself becoming more frustrated than ever before. This isn't a good sign, and something will have to be done. Because as people reach their breaking point, they will look into the marketplace for another service that fills their needs better and leave when they find one. And frankly, I say this from experience. SM almost lost me to Exposure Manager over the uploading issues that still plague me today. If it wasn't for the seamless addition of video a few years back, which was another one of my big problems, I would've left. And I've also looked at Zenfolio, but the lack of video there also keeps me from switching.
I wouldn't have taken the time to write this versus sleeping if I didn't truly care. And as you can tell from this short essay, I don't want to leave SM. I'd rather stick with a company I like to use if it will serve my needs, day-in and day-out. And I think a lot of us that are frustrated feel the same way.
I don't think this will change anything with the issue at hand, but I thought I'd just let you know my thoughts.
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I keep three copies of every image:
I use Smugmug as my viewing platform only so I only put things on Smugmug that I want to share. I use BackBlaze ($50/yr) for my online backups and it's a ton less work than your workflow. The BackBlaze engine works seamlessly in the background putting anything online that's in the sections of my hard disk that I've told BackBlaze to back up. The BackBlaze backup is completely automatic. Both backup systems are versioned so if something corrupts some files locally and that corruption is then backed up, you can retrieve the earlier version.
Things I edit (like my Lightroom catalog) are also backed up along with all my other documents (not just my images). It took me months to get everything up to BackBlaze initially (I just have one home DSL line), but now it just incrementally works in the background whenever I add add new photos to my computer.
I'm sure you'd have to adapt some of the processes you have now, but my workflow is a TON less work than what it sounds like you're doing. I let the BackBlaze and SyncBackSE software do the backup verification for me automatically (software is really good at boring, repetitive things). And, my workflow hasn't changed in numerous years. Every once in a while, I outgrow a hard disk and I have to do some juggling to rotate in a newer larger hard drive, but that's maybe once every 1-2 years.
All I do day-to-day is manage the images on my main working hard drive and the backup programs do all the backup work for me (both locally and online).
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Who is your ISP? It sounds like this is the root of many of the problems. If the connection was reliable, then you wouldn't to have to go through all these workarounds with wget just to download the zip file. Is there anything they can do to improve the connection quality? Are there other ISP's available in your area that may provide better service?
As far as images, because I can't do a post process due to my extreme turnaround time and lack of resources, I simply upload everything to SM while I sleep and then hide what doesn't make it and publish. Another gallery is for my daily dump that I download and compare with the original before deletion. Images are also copied to two different external drives that are compared with the original (the SM backup is a third backup). Videos and other non-jpg files are copies to a total of three drives. These drives are compared to each other on a yearly basis due to errors I've encountered with each yearly compare (documented elsewhere here on dgrin).
I've seriously looked into the online backup systems as you use them as well as my brother. But I'm not comfortable with the way do things--compression, just the changed bits, etc. It may work great for everyone else, but I know my luck, and I'd be the person it fails on.
If I had money to throw at it, I'd just get an Amazon s3 account and upload there and be done with it as that's enterprise class robust. But that would cost me hundreds a month.
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This is actually a smaller problem compared to the one I have with their new Arris C4 carrier equipment installed last year. It hammers my Cisco rv016 with 100 packets/sec on each line, making it believe it's under attack. I spent months with Cisco and Knology and neither of them knew why this was happening or how to prevent it. I gave them log files and all sorts of other stuff. I even spent a couple of hundred dollars and bought another rv016 because Cisco initially said my first one was bad.
Finally, I got two used Siemens SpeedStream routers for $3/each and put them on the two lines I don't use for VPN in front of the rv016. They stopped the packets from hitting the rv016. I only have to reboot the rv016 once a day now instead of it being useless. Too bad I lose 40mb of download bandwidth since the SpeedStreams seem limited to 5mb. It doesn't affect my upload and that's all I care about.
So you can see that if I call them and tell them I'm having intermittant packet loss, I have a bigger chance of an airplane landing on my modems than them fixing them.
Just like with SM, it's easier to find a workaround to issues than trying to fix them. Too bad too, this is what I've always seen in third world nations--nothing really fixed, just band-aided--and a whole country running that way. That should be a scary thought.
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Well, I looked into it, but that switch only outputs the results from wget to that file, like a log. :cry And I researched the wget switches for auto-renaming and it doesn't exist. :cry Good try though!
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wget -O yourfilename.txt
This works for you?
"Use of ‘-O’ is not intended to mean simply “use the name file instead of the one in the URL;” rather, it is analogous to shell redirection: ‘wget -O file http://foo’ is intended to work like ‘wget -O - http://foo > file’; file will be truncated immediately, and all downloaded content will be written there."
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Each one of these is the larger 1gb+ size, so I need to use wget since the browser will time-out.
Any assistance appreciated.
These **&($%$ problems are really testing my patience. I need this done in an hour. Why do I always have issues when I'm under pressure. It's like fate itself is against me.
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If the only answer will be to use a browser, then I'm just screwed as that's not a solution that will work. And my &*()% ISP isn't going to do a #$(*#$ thing about their problem.
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I think this issue with wget is revealing a bug with the new way of doing download all that breaks it when the zip has to be split into pieces. The final link to the file doesn't find the file even though the 302 redirects are followed correctly.
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This is my last attempt to try this. I had to download the files 7 times before I got two complete ones. It's the ISPs fault, but they won't do anything about it. But SM having a system that will break with a single packet loss isn't really reliable either.
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I'm really sorry this is troublesome for you and I wish I had a way to assist with your ISP. Let us know if there's anything we can do.
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I wish I could, but our guys are heads-down into building new features. Maybe you can get wget hep from the community in the hacks forum here on Dgrin?
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I give up. Another broken thing at SM I can't use anymore. What a shame.
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